Chapter 4: Tadhg

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As I climbed into the back of Dellie's Range Rover I realised this was the perfect time to defend myself.
"Dellie, he called our sister a slut" I defended "Yeah, Joe threw the first slap, but goaded it out of him by bringing up Aoife and my nephew. And listen, before you say it, I'm not apologizing for kicking him in the nuts when he was on the ground either. The prick had it coming."
Edel shot me a mischievous look.
"Well," she shrugged "at least you made it to big lunch"
"I'm sorry" I heard Joe mutter from the backseat "I fucked it"
Reaching through the seats I patted Joe on the shoulder "No you didn't." a grin plastered across my face at the image of Ronan sprawled out on the ground.
"You turned his nose sideways. It was a solid right hook"
"Not helping kid" Joe shot back.
I felt kind of bad for the poor basters. He had just got back into normal life and I already got him into a fight.
"How long am I suspended for?" Joey asked
"For the next 2 weeks"
"Sweet!" I went to high five Joey "talk about results." Joey shook his head.
"Not you rocky" Edel scolded "your back on Monday."
Fuck. My. Life.
"I should have thrown the first punch" I sulked.
"Oi! Don't act like you didn't do anything wrong" Joey scolded
"But I—"
"You did the wrong fucking thing and you know it" Joey pointed his finger in my face.
Joey was right, but how was I supposed to just stand there and let Ronan fucking McGarry talk shit about my sister.
Turing back to face the road with a huff. Edel didn't seem to mad, she seemed more amused by the whole situation. She hasent yelled and she hadn't hit. This was new.


The minute I stepped through the entry way I was greeted my 2 golden retrievers. I dumped my bag on the floor next to me and let the 2 puppies smother me in kisses.
Sean patted into the room.
"Hey Seany-boo" I smiled down at him.
I hated myself for calling him that but the look on that little boys face when I did. God he was really cute. When I picked him up he placed his sticky hand on my cheek.
"Did you have a good day Seany?" He didn't reply.
"Do you wanna go see Joe?" Sean's face lit up at the mention of his oldest brother.
"And Aoife?" I poked his big belly and a giggle escaped his lips.
This little boy had my heart.
As we walked over to Joey and Aoife's flat I could see Edel and him having a talk on the back porch. I had to fight the eager to go and see what they were talking about. But when Sean spotted Joe it was over.
"O-ee!" Sean yelled.
Both Joey and Edel's heads whipped around in our direction. Edel gave Joe a nod before he came sprinting over to Sean. Ripping Sean from my arms Joey wrapped him in the biggest bear hug.
"Hey Seany-boo, how was your day." Sean just smiled up at him.
"Do you wanna go inside and see Aoife?" Sean nodded enthusiastically. When Sean and Joey raced off into the flat and Edel had already made her way back inside I was left alone with my thoughts.
The worst part of my days were the ones where i was left alone. I hated when my mind was the only thing that could give me company. It never shut off and it always reminded me of the past. I hated it.

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