Chapter 6: Tadhg

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My suspension was over too quick, I didn't want to go back. I told myself that I wouldn't let what McGarry was saying get to me but he was telling the truth. I didn't belong there. Kids like me don't go to schools like Tommen. We don't go to college or get high paying jobs.
We become plumbers or electricians. Not lawyers or doctors.
We go to parties and come home late.
We mess up our reputation befor it's even created.
We miss school to hang out with girls and get stoned.
A boy like me dosent belong here. I don't belong in a mansion. I don't belong.
I don't deserve it.
If anything mabey my old life was what I was built for. I was built for fighting.
I think there's somthing wrong with me. I'm out of that house, away from that monster but I still have so much anger in my heart. I'm so angry all the time and I don't know how to cope with that or how to stop that anger from seeping out of my skin and onto everyone around me.

"Tadhg, love are you ready to go?" Edels voice broke me from my thoughts.
"Oh yeh Dellie, just a sec" jumping up from my perch on the windowsill and quickly crushing my cigarette bud inbettween my fingers. I tried my best to cover the smell with deodorant but I knew it wasent enough. I quickly brushed my teeth and ran out the house. Jumping into the car were Edel was waiting for me. We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"Tadhg Lynch. Why do u smell like smokes?"
Her question caught me off guard.
"Couldn't tell ya, Delly" I could feel her eyes on me, I kept staring out the window trying to brush her gaze off of me.
"Tadhg, don't you be lieing to me" she said firmly.
Thankfully we pulled up I front of the school befor she could interrogate me even more. Not sparing and seconds I grabbed my bag and jumped out of the car.
"Thanks for the ride Delly have a great day" befor she had the chance to say anything else I had already booked it half way up the school steps.
Once I had finally reached my locker I began to slow. The hallways were pretty packed at this hour so it was hard to make it from one end to another. I decided I would head to the 1st year common room. When I walked in and dumped my hurling gear on the ground I could feel eyes on me.
I hated that feeling. I hated feeling like some one was watching me or like some one would attack me. This feeling is what keeps me on edge all the time. For once in my life I just wanted to feel relaxed.
Before i knew it a tall brunette boy was walking over to me. He reached out his hand to shake mine, I took it.
"Hey lad, mind if I sit"
"Nah lad, go ahead"
"My names Mason" he took in my hurling gear and smiled
"Yeh mate, you?"
Mason chuckled "Nah lad, rugby."
Fucking rich rugby pricks.
Mason had a strange accent that I couldn't pick, it was like Johnnys but different.
"You a Dub?" I asked.
"Sort of" he shrugged.
"Sort of?" I questioned.
"Yeh well I was born in Dublin, live there till I was 5. When I was 6 we moved to the Uk." He paused for a moment then continued "at 7 we moved to Greece"
"Shit lad, Greece" I spoke "what a fucking place to live."
Mason nodded in agreement.
"Then when I was 8 we moved to San Francisco, at 9 we moved to New York, then at 10 we moved back to Dublin."
"Shit lad, now tell me how did you find yourself in Cork of all places?"
Mason rubbed the back of his neck like he was deep in thought.
"I couldn't really tell ya. We moved here at the start of summer. Da said this is the last move though so might be stuck here for awhile" he chuckled.
"What a shit place to live for high-school" I deadpanned.
"Well shit look who it is" I heard a familiar female voice cherp over the crowd. Both me and Mason turned to face the source of the noise. When Sophie Biggs came stalking towards me I knew my day would be crazy. This girl was like a rabbit on steroids. She never stopped talking or moving, I was introduced to her this summer by Claire Biggs , apparently her little cousin needed a friend and I was the best candidate.
"Sophie" I said sheepishly.
"Where have you been chickie"
"First of all never call me chickie again, second I got suspended"
Shaking her head she acknowledge Mason with a clipped nod.
"So Mason we're is this sister I have been hearing so much about?" Sophie asked.
"Oh I'll text her to come here, I actually told her about you" Mason said seeming slightly embarrassed about the face he just told this girl he was talking to his sister about her.
"You were talking about me?" Sophie teased.
Mason dident reply.
"Maeve, hey just in time" Mason suddenly shouted. Jumping up from his seat and making a bee line for his sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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