1. normal school day? (rewritten)

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Murdoc woke up in his bed, sweating. Damn. He thought. Bad dream again? He sat up, immediatly feeling a pounding headache that was about to get worse.

He tried to recall the events from the night before, but he could only remember he went out to the bar. Now he knew why he was sweating. He had a hangover. Shit! He thought.

He heard his brother Hannibal scurrying around in the kitchen. He tried to stand up, but fell back down immediatly. I'll just skip school today, no big deal. Murdoc thought.

His brother came into his room, took one look at his still half-drunk little brother, and sighed. "How many times have you gone out drinking this month? Not that I care, just make sure you get up and get out of here before my girlfriend arives. I don't want her to see a mess like you here." Fuck you and your girlfriend. Let me sleep. Murdoc thought angrily.

He lay back down, and contemplated running away and sleeping on a bench in the park.

After a while he noticed that his headache was going away and he stood up to put clothes on and go to school.

After he was all clothed he went to the kitchen, and grabbed whatever he could find that was not spoiled. He got his car keys, put his shoes and jacket on and went out the door. He then got in his car, an old Volvo.

It still drove quite well despite it's old age and Murdoc liked it. It had a soft blue colour, faded away by the sun over the years.

He drove to school and parked in his usual spot. No one else dared to park there, knowing they'd answer to Murdoc if they did. It was the closest spot to the door, and Murdoc had parked there ever since he had his car.

He got out, slammed to door shut, and walked to the entrance grumpily. He elbowed a kid without looking and heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Ouch- oh, s-sorry for g-getting in the w-way..." The new kid stammered. He had blue hair and completely black eyes, making him stand out like a sore thumb.

"You new?" Murdoc asked, smirking. "Y-yes..." the bluenette answered. Murdoc punched him hard in the stomach, making him yell and whimper in pain. "You'll meet me again soon enough, you wanker." Murdoc smirked.

The bluenette gathered all his stuff and hurried to his first class.

He was nervous and couldn't concentrate on his schoolwork at all, he kept thinking about the guy that threatened him in the morning and what he would do to him after class. He was scared, he had already made an enemy on the first day of school. This was going to be a nightmare.

He barely noticed the bell ring and got jumpscared, making almost everyone in the class stare at him. He quickly gathered all his stuff, and hurried out onto the corridor.

He saw Murdoc standing there and tried to avoid being noticed, but of course that was impossible with his blue, messy hair. He was grabbed by the back of his shirt, and he froze immediatly.

"There you are. Not trying to avoid me, are you?" Stuart shivered and mumbled something. "What was that? I didn't hear you." "N-n-no... Im not t-trying to a-avoid you..." "good. 'Cuz you'd be in trouble if you did."

He let Stuart go, and said boy fell hard onto the ground. His nose started bleeding and he started silently crying.

"You're pathetic, you know that? Gather yourself up and meet me at the entrance after school. Oh and, the second bell rang just a few minutes ago. You should've been in class already. Good luck!" Murdoc laughed his loud, booming laugh, and walked away.

All the students left in the corridor looked at Stuart suspiciously, wondering what he did to be Murdoc's new target. Stuart just gathered his stuff, wobbled a bit trying to stand up, and went to the bathroom to clean his face since he was already late and it didn't matter anymore.

Once he cleaned the blood off of his face and he was sure the nosebleed had stopped, he went to his class and got yelled at by his teacher for being late. He mumbled a quick sorry and went to his seat, not-so-conveniently in front of the man he hated most. Murdoc Faust Niccals.

"And we meet again, wanker." Stuart started crying again, and froze as he felt hot breath that smelled like alcohol and cigarettes in his neck. "We'll have lots of fun, won't we?" Stuart just sighed and tried to concentrate on his schoolwork, but gave up after a while and started doodling in his notebook.

He was constantly aware of Murdoc staring at him, but was too scared to say anything. When the bell rang he threw all his stuff into his bag and tried to hurry away before Murdoc followed him, but he was grabbed by the back of his shirt again.

"You look so pathetic and weak, I bet I could do anything to you." Murdoc whispered in his ear. Stuart just slumped and sighed in defeat. Well, this is the new life im going to have to get used to. This was the only decent school in the area.

Murdoc let go of him and walked away. At least, Stuart thought he was walking away. Instead he moved just a little to get a good aim at Stuart's crotch with the back of his foot. Stuart yelped in pain, and fell to the floor.

He stayed there for a few minutes until he gathered himself again. Then he picked up his stuff and went to his next class, the last class before lunch.


Stuart walked out of the school, hoping that Murdoc wouldn't see him. To Stuart's dissapointment, he was grabbed by the back of his shirt again.

"Hello there again, wanker. What's your name actually, I want to give you a better nickname." Murdoc said in a low, threathening voice.

"I-its Stuart. S-Stuart Pot..." Stuart whispered. "Well then, how 'bout I call you Stu-Pot. Not that you can choose, anyway. Now, what to do with you..."

This one was fairly quick, now on to rewrite the other 19 chapters... *sigh*

My Beautifull Songbird (2Doc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora