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The screams and crashes where becoming louder and louder to the point where people where covering their ears

And then it got quiet

And people started to murmur among them

"ARE YOU READY TO PARTY" someone with a thick British accent yells

I look around for the nearest escape plan

But no....

Of coarse the only way to get up is by the giant stairs leading down to the party

"It's not...." Sophie whispers as she puts down the photo frame

"I bet it is" I growl

I put on the mask and casually start to strut away towards the stairs

But of coarse something happened to stop me

Because the universe hates me

Boys everywhere we're yelling, all in costumes and masks swinging from ropes all over the room

They then let go and swung and landed on the dance floor

This is like the fricken scene from mamma Mia or something

Boys from our school clung on to their girlfriends, not trying to protect them but tryingu to keep them away from the 50 boys that just crashed our party

Some where famous models, others not so famous but models none the less.

Others where just really good looking guys

They all dropped from the ropes like monkeys, nearly all dressed with out a shirt And every single one with masks

But some where easy to make out who they were

They swooped down and grabbed the girls and started dancing with them all the girls didn't mind but the boys didn't look to happy

"I need to get out of here" I whispered to myself as I picked up the ends of my dress and started to walk towards the big stairs

Then there was a big click

I don't know what is was

But it didn't sound good

"No one is leaving until we check you all tonight and make sure you are high" someone says on the microphone

I started to limp through the crowd

Ugh my shoe broke, figures

I take them both of and throw them on the ground

Just as I am about to go up the stairs I am pulled to the side

This guy was really muscley but I couldn't make out his face

"Damn your cute, what's your name" he smiles


I stop myself

I stutter as I watch him pull a paper from his pocket which has "Kiara Rose" written on it

"Bella Flowers" I say confidently

"Cute" he laughs "care to dance?"

The Five figures stand at the top of the stairs staring down as if they are in charge

"Sure" I say a bit to quick before pulling him away to the dance floor

I stop in the middle of the dance floor and start cautiously jumping around

I look back up to the stairs to see the 5 boys strutting down

The walk through the crowd taking a good look at everyone, and they come closer to me until they split into different directions

"Hey Zac" one says to the guy I'm dancing with

"Any intel?" He questions

"Still looking" Zac shrugs

"I can tell" the man laughs before heading off

I sigh in relief as he walks away

"So Zac " I smile "thank you for dancing but I have to go"

"Whyyy" he whinges


"Wait!" He chants as he grabs my arm

"Number" he says holing out his hand

"No thanks, I'm good"

"I'm not letting you go until I get your number Bella"

I grab a pen from my clutch and pull out his arm further, I jot down my number before saying goodbye

I make sure no one is looking and I run up the massive stairs

As I reach the top I see a boy staring daggers at me as he stands at the bottom of the stairs.

Without another glance I rush out the building and jump into my car

"Why" I sigh as I turn on the radio

'And know from one directions new album'

Ugh shut the fuck up

I slam off my radio and start to drive

I could really use some McDonald's right now

I turn the car around and continue to drive until


I can't move


Against my will (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now