Future Thinking

204 9 4

Kiaras pov

I look at the gas station and back at the boys in the distance

Harry is screaming for my name as well as Liam

And Niall and Zayn are yelling at each other

Then Harry starts to walk this way

"Shoot" I yell as I dart for the gas station

I run inside and notice that it is empty

I grab a backpack from the shelf and a bunch of supplies like food, drinks, toiletries a torch and some matches

I put on the backpack and start to head out

I run out the door and am stopped when I hear yelling


"Come on babe"

It's coming from the car in the parking lot

Ugh I would know that voice anywhere

"Alison" I say through gritted teeth

The bitchiest most popular girl in school

She's only popular cause her dad built the shopping mall near the school

An she's like super rich

"Get off me"

Ugh seriously... she's with Louis

Should I help him

"Oh god damn it" I sigh as I head towards the car

"Oi!!" I shout but she doesn't seem to notice

I peer into the car to see she is only in her bra and underwear and she is ontop of a shirtless Louis

"Hey!" I yell as I walk up and grab her by her hair

I pull her out of the car and she squeals trying to fix her hair

"Well well well" she smirks

"If it isn't the run away" she smirks as he throws on her tshirt

"Alison, a pleasure as always" I fake smile

"Don't be jealous that I scored this famous hottie and you have.. wait who? no one" she smirks

"Hey Louis" I smile

"Hi Kiara?" he says confused

"W-w-hat?" Alison stutters

Louis struggles out of the car and fixes his pants

"Babe" he smiles playing along

He comes over and slings his arm around my should

"Sorry Ally" I pout as I kiss Louis on the cheek

"What were you saying?" I smirk

"I-I u-urr" she stutters

"Well I'm out" I say quickly as I notice Harry becoming closer

"Wait where are you going" Louis whispers

"Away from you" I say as I pick up my bag and sprint towards the other direction

I grab my backpack and pull out my phone


"Hi Chris" I sigh

"What wrong?" He says as his voice becomes concerned

"Can you pick me up?"



"Thanks" I say as I jump into Chris's car.

"Look Kiara, I told you not to hang out with those people. They are stuck up and don't care about anyone else but themselves" Chris sighs

"Please don't be mad"

"I am mad, you continue to go down the same path and ignore what ever warnings I throw at you. Kiara you need to listen to me. They don't care about you, all they want is to use you."

Ouch that hurt

Especially coming from him

"They do care" I argue

"They don't, take it from me. I use girls just as they are doing to you. I'm a freaking Horney teenage boy, I'm not looking for a relationship."

"Wow" is all manage to say

"Look Kiara, I don't want to upset you but it's about time you grow up. School finishes soon and what are you going to do when it ends? You got into Harvard and Oxford , are you really going to ditch that for 5 stupid boys?"Chris defends

I guess he is right

"Harvard is so far away" I sigh. "I'm just not sure if I'm ready to pack it all up and leave"

"What have you got to loose?"
Chris says pulling up at our house

"You, mum, all my friends" I frown

"We will still be in contact and you can make new friends. Please don't pass this opportunity up. Please, do it not only for me but do it for you."

I get out of the car and shut the door, following Chris inside

"Who's is that?" Chris asks pointing to Harry's shirt

"Harry's" I sigh pulling it down

"Why do you have his shirt on?"

"Hey mum" I yell Changing the convo

I see Chris from the corner of my eye glaring into me

"Sweetie, where did you go? You left me and Sophie, a young lad did say you where just going over to watch a movie" she smiles

"Something like that" I reassure

"Excuse us" Chris fake smiles grabbing my elbow and dragging me up the stairs

"Ouch!" I complain rubbing my elbow

"Tell me!"chriss huffs

"No thanks" I shake my head

"TELL ME" he yells this time

"Can we please just talk tomorrow, I'm so tired"

"First thing?"

"First thing" I repeat

He unwillingly storms out and half slams my door


I got sexually harassed like twice tonight

That's not even funny

And what about that guys after the first time who was swapping a brief case afterwards

That I am concerned about

It looked like a bad 80's movie

Ugh I need some rest

I switch off my light and don't bother changing

And I struggle but eventually drift off to sleep

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