Chapter 4

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Kyle hisses at me.

"Dude, I invited her over for dinner. Chill." Jake tries to reason with Kyle. Kyle was shaking from rage, and I'm getting angry myself from the way he's acting. Shouldn't he just keep it to himself and leave me alone for once?

"Didn't you get the idea that you shouldn't be with the whore, Jake?" Kyle hisses at Jake this time.

"Yo, dude, calm down." Kyle starts trying to advance to me, but Jake holds him back.

"Did you just call me a whore? You? The fucking player?" I stand up from the floor and cross my arms over my chest.

"You've got some nerve coming over here bitch." Kyle's jaw clenches as his eyes glaze over with anger.

"Yeah, well, I didn't come for you." I cross my arms over my chest and purse my lips.

"Ok, that's enough. I'll take her out now, Kyle." Jake says with authority coating his voice. Kyle gives me one look before he shoves Jake off of him and storms off.

"Damn..." I drag off. I grab my phone and bag, ready to leave the house. I refuse to look at Jake. I feel Jake's presence beside me, but I still don't look up.

"You're leaving?" I can hear the sadness lacing his tone.

"Well, I can't stay can I? Besides, you just said you'd take me out." I say angrily.

"It was just to get him to leave. I'm sorry, I didn't know he was going to come! Honestly!" I ignore him and start walking toward the front door. I hear him walk behind me, seemingly desperate.

As soon as I open the closet door to get my jacket, Jake slams it close. I cross my arms over my chest and growl at him, "Let me get my jacket."

"Let me explain first."

I let out a long breath and shrug, "I don't have much of a choice, do I?."

"No. I didn't know he was going to come. They usually come home at 2 in the morning, not 10 at night. Besides, I don't get what's wrong with you and Kyle. I can't help without knowing what the problem is to help."

I purse my lips and look down, "Look, I'm sorry I'm storming out, but I have a temper. Especially with Kyle."

"What happened with you and Kyle anyway?" Jake asks, leaning against the wall.

How do I answer that? With all the shit he's done to me in my life, I can't be specific. I guess I'll just from the beginning.

"We grew up together, Kyle and I. Our parents were- are best friends. He and I share the same birthday, and our parents thought it was 'fate.' Even with the age difference, the raised us on the idea that we are going to fall in love and fate put us together.

Even so, we just stayed friends. One day, he asked me out. I was shocked, but I kind of liked him, so I said yes. When I went to the date, he made his friends dump a bucket of puke on me. He just played a game on me, and I was so embarrassed too.

Ever since then, he's been a complete ass to me. Now you know. Can I get my jacket and leave please?" I rant, then I point at the closet.

"After one question, why did you two end up going to the same college?"

"He knew I wanted to go to this college all my life. It was a perfect get-away from my old life. He said he never had a preferable college to go to, so he came here to annoy me." I push Jake away and grab my jacket. I get my keys from my bag and start to leave before Jake grabs my arm.

"Are... we good?" He bites his lip. I start walking to my car and roll my eyes in the process. When I make it to the car, I put my hand on the handle before I turn and see Jake standing behind me, fumbling with his hands.

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