Shattered hearts

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Double update.......



Annie jolted awake, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to shake off the remnants of the nightmare.

Her eyes widened in horror as the vivid memory of her Jungkook filled her mind. In the dream, he was the one pounding furiously against the wall, his knuckles bruised and bloodied.

She could almost feel the reverberations of each impact echoing through her own body, a chilling reminder of the tumultuous relationship they once shared.

With a shiver, Annie reached for her phone, desperate for a distraction from the haunting images that lingered in her mind.

Taehyung ,alerted by her distressed movements, hurried to her side, his concern evident in his furrowed brow.

He gently brushed her sweat-drenched hair from her face, his touch offering both comfort and reassurance. "Annie, are you alright?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Sensing his presence, she turned to him, her eyes still wide with fear. "It was just a bad dream," she managed to whisper, her voice trembling.

"I was doing some work then heard your scream." Taehyung replied.

Annie licked her lips, unlocked her phone then again locked it.

It was looking like she want to call someone but at the same time she doesn't want.

"Are you ok?" He asked again in concern.

She stood up from her place.

"I..I need to see him." She mumbled.

"Whatt?!" He yelled in disbelief.

"I really need to see him taehyung, please try to understand. " She pleaded licking her lips.

"What are you saying? You want to see him after this all? Have you gone crazy? Have you forgetten what happened few hours ago? " Taehyung said in an angry and disappoint tone.

"Love and you ? Sweetheart have you ever seen your face in the mirror? "

She sat on the bed as his words rang in her ears.

" can he do this with me? I...i love him " she cried hiding her face in her palms.

Taehyung stood there not knowing what to do.

"I want to hate him but i can't hate him. It's not easy to forget him. He was my first kiss, my first love,my everything, how can I forget him. Tell me can you forget your first kiss ?" She said looking up. Her eyes were teary.

How can I? It was you !!

"Stop hurting yourself. You have to face a lot of things tomorrow." Taehyung said softly sitting beside her.

"Don't be weak, you are more stronger than you think."

Jungkook slumped on the couch, a bottle clutched tightly in his hand, his fingers trembling with every swig.

The apartment around him was a scene of chaos, shattered remnants of what was once his sanctuary strewn across the floor. Broken glass glittered in the dim light, a reflection of the shattered fragments of his own fractured psyche.

With each passing moment, the numbness of alcohol failed to dull the ache in his chest, the weight of his regrets bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

Alone in the darkness, he drowned in his own despair, consumed by the echoes of his self-inflicted pain.

As Jungkook's thoughts drifted to Annie, his mind became consumed by memories of their tumultuous relationship.

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