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Annie was throwing dresses on the bed to find the perfect dress for the party. She didn't have many expensive dresses. Soo-Hyun was a very rich man, and attending his party was a big thing.

Somi entered the room with a dull face.

"What happened?" Annie asked, and Somi shook her head.

"Is it about your audition?" Annie asked again. Somi held her head low, and Annie understood she had been rejected again.

"It's ok, baby; they must be blind to not see your talent. Don't be sad. Everything will be fine." She assured her sister. Somi nodded her head slowly.

"Why are you throwing dresses like that?" Somi asked, glancing towards the bed.

"I have to attend a party."

"Which party?"

"Iseul's birthday party"

"Oh, your coaching kid? Kim Soo-hyun's daughter? Damn! You are going to see a lot of celebrities there. After all, he is the biggest producer in the entertainment world." Somi said it with excitement.

"I am not interested in any celebrity. They all seem fake to me." Annie said, rolling her eyes.

"Aish di Don't be bored. Let me select a dress for you." Somi said that and started pulling out the dresses.

"What about this?"

"Ewww, it's so revealing."

"Oh, di, it's normal to wear these dresses to the party."

"I know, but it's just too revealing, and I want to wear something comfortable."

Somi let out a sigh.

Annie arrived at the party. She was so nervous; it was her first time attending a big party like this. She let out a heavy sigh before entering the mansion. She was walking inside when suddenly she stumbled on her feet and was about to kiss the floor, but someone caught her by the wrist.

It was soo hyun. Annie opened her eyes slowly. She felt embarrassed at her clumsiness. Why does she have to be this clumsy?

"I am sorry, Mr. Kim." She bowed, fixing her posture. Soo-Hyun smiled at her.

In his eyes, she was the cutest girl he had ever seen. It would be a lie if he said that he didn't like her. He always comes back early from his office just to see her. He always had his eyes on her whenever she was teaching his daughter. He was the one who inserted the thought of inviting Annie to the party into Lily's mind. Annie had no idea what Soo Hyun had for her.

She smiled back at him awkwardly.

"Where is Lily?" She asked, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"She is with Minji, getting ready for the party." soo-Hyun replied. Annie nodded her head.

"Make yourself comfortable, if you need anything just let me know." soo-Hyun said softly.

"She is the one in black dress." Minji said eyeing Annie from head to toe sipping on her whisky.

"She looks simple." The man sitting beside her replied.

" The man sitting beside her replied

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