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Jungkook's pov


Isn't it a cringeworthy word?

But it's okay until it's used to describe my feelings towards her!



The girl I initially just wanted to play with.

To make her fall in love with me.

And yet, here I am, falling myself.

Maybe it's hard to believe because I don't know if people experience love the same way I do.

If they also call it love.

But for me she is love.

I follow my heart's desires.

I believe in "You are mine" more than "I love you".

But what's the difference though?

Aren't they the same?

One week!

One week has passed since that day. It haunts me constantly. Sometimes I want to believe everything he said, but other times, I doubt it.

I still believe she is the same innocent girl I discovered.She is mine.

No matter what others say, I find myself observing every single detail about her.

I spend time with her, making sure what's she doing. Yet, I can't shake these doubts from my head.

Is she really cheating?

Could she do that?

Right now, she's sitting in front of me, completely engrossed in the movie playing on TV.

But my focus isn't on the movie – it's on her.

How could she cheat?
Doesn't she love me?
But I can't forget what he said either.


"Well, I heard you're going to get married to Annie," Soo Hyun remarked casually, taking a long drag from his cigarette.

I furrowed my brows, caught off guard.


I hadn't even considered that!

At the time, I had only agreed to Annie's condition to placate her.

It hadn't seemed serious.

"How do you know about that?" I demanded, my voice tinged with suspicion.

Soo Hyun grinned knowingly, blowing out a plume of smoke.

"There's nothing hidden between Annie and me. She told me everything," he said nonchalantly.

What the fuck! Why would she tell our private chats to him!

"You two are quite the pair."he continued.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I asked sharply, struggling to control my mounting anger.

"I mean, you both play the game so well. It's almost poetic, isn't it?" Soo Hyun replied, his smirk widening.

I felt a surge of fury rising within me.

"Quit dancing around the issue and say it straight," I snapped, my fists clenched.He chuckled darkly.

"Do you honestly believe she still loves you? After knowing everything about you?Come on, Jungkook, you've seen the world. Do you know how much I pay her? She earns as much as a general manager in my company. So think, why would I pay her that much just to tutor my daughter?" he taunted, raising an eyebrow.

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