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"What do you mean?? Colleen Hoover is the best writer, and *It Ends with Us* is one of her best books!" Annie's voice was filled with disbelief and frustration.

Taehyung scoffed, pushing a book aside. "No way. It’s a terrible book with a terrible plot. Who the hell likes these types of stories? All that melodrama and predictable twists. It’s just not good."

Annie’s eyes widened. "Predictable? You must not have been paying attention. The way Hoover explores those complex emotions and relationships is brilliant. It's not just about the plot; it’s about the characters' growth and the hard choices they face."

"I don’t know how you can say that with a straight face," Taehyung shot back. "The characters are one-dimensional. And don’t even get me started on the so-called ‘plot twists.’ They’re so forced, it’s like she’s trying way too hard to make us feel something.”

Annie’s cheeks flushed slightly. “One-dimensional? The main character's struggle is real and raw. It’s not about forced twists; it’s about representing real-life challenges. If you can’t see that, maybe you just don’t want to look beyond the surface.”

Taehyung leaned forward, his tone sharp. “Maybe I don’t want to waste my time on something that feels like it's trying to manipulate my emotions. I read to enjoy, not to be hit over the head with emotional baggage.”

“Enjoy? You mean read stuff that’s just fluff and empty? If you want pure escapism, sure, there are other books for that. But Hoover’s writing is about confronting real issues. It’s not supposed to be easy or just entertaining.”

Taehyung rolled his eyes. “You say it’s deep, but it feels like she’s just repeating the same old formulas. I prefer stories with substance, where the writing itself is compelling, not just the emotional manipulation.”

Annie crossed her arms. “So, what do you consider ‘substantial’? If you’re going to dismiss an entire genre and writer, at least tell me what you think is worth reading. Or are you just going to criticize everything you don’t like?”

“I’m not criticizing everything,” Taehyung said defensively. “But I do think there are better examples of good writing. Try something by an author like Haruki Murakami or Margaret Atwood. Their work is layered and thought-provoking.”

Annie raised an eyebrow. “Murakami? Sure, he’s great, but his books can be just as convoluted and dense. And Atwood’s work is fantastic, but it doesn’t mean you have to tear down other authors to praise them.”

“Maybe not,” Taehyung admitted, rubbing his temple. “But I think we can agree that not all books are created equal. Some have more depth and craft behind them.”

Hana emerged from the kitchen, cradling a glass of juice.

“Stop irritating her; she’s already having pregnancy mood swings,” she said, casting a sympathetic glance at Annie and Taehyung.

“Oh, Hana. You need rest too. Why are you bothering yourself? You’re pregnant too. Just sit down and relax.”Annie said .

Taehyung shrugged. “I’m not irritating her. She keeps crying over a useless book.”

Annie glared at him. “You’re calling it useless again—”

Hana quickly intervened, trying to defuse the situation. “Ah, leave it, Annie. Let’s talk about something else. How’s Changmin and Gracy’s honeymoon going?”

Taehyung threw Hana a playful kiss, making her blush deeply.

“Aww, someone’s blushing. As for Chang and Gracy, they’re enjoying their honeymoon in Germany. Gracy was a bit down at first because Changmin wasn’t completely accepting her. But now he’s come around, and they’re really happy. I’m thrilled for them.”

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