Bound by Fire

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Annie slowly opened her eyes, and the haze of sleep quickly gave way to a sharp, uncomfortable reality. Her surroundings were dim, and a dull ache in her wrists made her fully awake. She tried to move but realized she was tied to a bed. Panic began to seep in as she took in her unfamiliar surroundings—a cold, dimly lit room with a heavy, oppressive silence. Her breath quickened.

It took a moment for her mind to process what was happening. “What...where am I?” she whispered, her voice shaky. The realization dawned on her, like a sudden, cold wave: she had been kidnapped. The shock of the situation began to sink in, and her heart raced faster.

Her thoughts instantly shifted to her children. The image of them alone at home struck her with a jolt of panic. "Oh no, my kids..." Her voice trembled as she called out, “Someone, please help me!” Her plea was desperate and filled with the kind of raw fear that only a mother knows. Tears began to blur her vision as she imagined her children alone, possibly hungry and frightened, waiting for her to come home.

As her mind swirled with worry for her kids, another thought crept in: Who could have done this? She was new in town, with no real connections or enemies. The fear of the unknown amplified her anxiety. Why would someone target her? She struggled against her restraints, her heart pounding in her chest. The helplessness of her situation and the fear for her children's safety made the room feel even colder and more isolating.

Annie's eyes widened in shock as Jungkook walked into the room with a casual, almost cheerful demeanor. Her mind raced, trying to process the sight of him. The reality of her situation hit her hard: Jungkook was the one who had kidnapped her.

He approached her with a smile, as if this were a normal visit. “Oh babe, you’re up,” he said, his tone light and friendly. “You must be hungry. I made some delicious kimchi jjigae for you.” He placed a bowl of the steaming Korean stew on a nearby table, completely unfazed by the gravity of the situation.

“J… Jungkook?” Her voice wavered with disbelief. The name felt foreign and unsettling coming from her lips in this context.

“Yes, babe, who else would have the audacity to touch you?” Jungkook replied, his smile widening as if he were making a casual comment.

Annie’s mind was overwhelmed with fear and desperation. Her thoughts immediately went to her children. “Jungkook, where are my kids?” she screamed, her voice breaking with tears streaming down her cheeks. The image of her children alone at home was unbearable.

Jungkook’s smile faltered, and he let out a frustrated sigh. “Again, only your kids...” he said, a hint of irritation in his voice.

“They are safe, babe,” he continued, his tone softening slightly, though it did nothing to calm her. “Just eat something, okay? I don’t want your tummy to be empty.” His attempt at reassurance felt hollow against the backdrop of her fear and confusion.

Annie struggled against the ropes binding her, the tears continuing to fall as she looked at Jungkook, trying to reconcile the man she thought she knew with the reality of her dire situation.

Her anger exploded as she yelled, “What the hell are you doing? How can you be this low? You kidnapped me? How dare you?Asshole!”

Jungkook’s expression shifted from casual to intense as he stepped closer, his jaw clenched. His eyes, now cold and hard, bore into hers. “How dare you play me?” he growled, his voice filled with a mix of fury and hurt.

He took a step back, his demeanor suddenly shifting to one of eerie calm. “Hmm, it’s okay, baby. It’s like tit for tat, right?” he said, his tone unsettlingly nonchalant. “i hurt you and You hurt me, I did everything you asked, nodded my head like a puppet, and this is how you repay me?”

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