See you, you dork.

752 37 25

====> Continue to cry

Dave tightly hugged Dirk's corpse, his hands turning into fists as he clutched his crimson stained T-shirt. His face was buried into his shoulder, his eyes tightly closed as uncontrollable sobs racked his frame. He was so damn sorry. He held him for a little longer, not wishing to part with him until the blonde haired lad finally calmed down. It took a lot of energy to finally let him go.He shifted himself onto his knees, and gently grabbed his shoulders before he rested him down on the terrain. He looked so peaceful and calm, like he was finally relaxed. His shirt was slightly rugged, torn and stained with his own thick wet blood.

Where ever he was going, he just hoped he'd go with Jake.

Tears continued to softly roll down his puffy red cheeks, staining them lightly as he reached a hand down to Dirk's face. He gently adjusted his shades so they were on his face properly, a small weak smile parting his lips as he did so. He remained on the spot for a while until he finally gathered the courage to depart from him. When he did he abruptly shot up from the spot, his emotion unreadable as he straightened his posture. He bent down and gently picked his katana up from the piles of decaying leaves that surrounded it, carefully placing it into his sheath. His gaze quickly scanned the terrain as he tried to figure out where John was. He had a feeling.

Something sparked inside him as he almost sensed a human's presence, though it was weak, causing a knot of fear to abruptly tighten in his stomach. Pain pulsed from his shoulder still, and the blood had dried around his wound with ranging layers of consistency and hue, but his brother had spared him of intense pain and had target an area which didn't have any fatal organs in; his shoulder.

However he didn't spare him of the pain he was now feeling.

Both emotionally and physically.

He finally mustered up his remaining courage and followed his instincts, his scarlet eyes skimming across the terrain as he followed the pools of blood towards the weak presence that was John.

He was d y i n g.

He was dying and he wad dying alone and it was cold and-

H e  w a s  s c a r e d.

He was scared to die alone and he was scared to die and he could feel his soul weakening and he could feel everything weakening and he couldn't calm down and his eyes were blurred and oh god he couldn't see and he was coughing blood up and. And. Deep. Breaths. Deep. Breaths.



He was slumped against the floor face down, his ragged raven hair knotted and tangled. His top was torn and ragged, his clothes coated in thick layers of mud and twigs. His frame seemed thinner and limper than usual. Maybe it was because he was so weak that it gave off the effect that he practically contained no muscles in his weak, shutting down body. His lung was punctured. He knew that. When Dirk had stabbed him, he had felt his lungs flood with his own blood. The liquid had rose in his throat and he had continuously coughed up until now. Now he let the liquid rise in his throat and dribble down his chin. He had also been stabbed a second time, in the abdomen. The pain he was feeling was horrific.

His attention was caught by rustling, and he let out a pathetic wheeze as he strained his head to try to see what was behind him. It was a man, that's all he could make out. His vision was so blurred that everything was twisting and pulsing, fading out and forming a haze.

The figure stumbled towards him and collapsed next to him, and John recognised it finally as Dave.

Dave had almost died then and there when he saw John. His heart raced as he quickly came to his side. "John. John, listen to me, can you hear me?" He called out. His throat was dry, and there was a clump in his throat that he couldn't swallow. John let out a strained breath, and Dave's eyes widened slightly as he gently wrapped his arms around his torso, leaning him against a tree. John's heart almost skipped a beat as he spotted Dave, his eyes widening. "Dave" He whimpered out, a smile tugging at his lips as his eyes filled with tears. "I thought I was going to die alone" He whispered, closing his eyes as painful sobs racked his frame.

"B-but now you're here and I-" He smiled,  his head leaning back as he cried.

Dave watched, absolutely distraught as he stared at him. Dave's own wound was still pulsing out blood, and he was weak. Really weak. He tugged John into a hug, his head resting on top of his as he let out uncontrollable sobs. "John please don't do this" He whimpered out to him. his eyes scrunching shut as he clenched his top tightly.

John's frame slowly slumped against Dave's, and he could feel his own body growing weak. "I'd say see you in hell but" He muttered, pausing for a ragged breath. "I-I don't think we're going back there" He muttered to him, a smile tugging at his lips as he rested his head on Dave's shoulder,  his eyelids growing heavy.

Dave mustered a hoarse laugh as he tugged John tightly against him. "No, I don't think we are..." He responded quietly. He could feel John's heartbeat, and it was slowing down, along with his ragged breathing.

The once usually cheerful bucktoothed boy had been torn apart. Every time someone had died, a part of his heart had been snapped off, each time leaving his heart damaged and withering. Everyone he knew had died; Dad by demons, Jade by Dave, Jake by Dirk, and Jane was presumed dead. Nobody had seen her since the demons had taken them in. Jake and John almost instantly knew that she was gone. It was just a feeling.

Death had finally called upon him.

And he strolled into It's arms gladly.

The young lad slumped in Dave's arms with a whisper which was almost inaudible. His dying breath had been used to say this sentence, a silent mutter which the wind had carried away. The two slumped against each other, glassy eyed and motionless. The moon basked their bodies in it's cold, reassuring light which gently filtered through the canopy, the wind whispering their names as it gently brushed past them.

"See you, you dork."

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