Sweet Revenge

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====>Be the other thing behind Jade Harley

Your name is Dave Strider and you're about to get yourself an all you can eat buffet of sweet revenge with a side salad of bloodshed. 

After you ditched the human John Egbert you took the the skies and met up with your brother Dirk Strider.

You landed near the base, your wings folding against your back as you typed in the combination for the lock on the door. It hissed as it unlocked and swung open and revealed a staircase going downwards lit up with the occasional torch. You quickly descend down the stairs.

The exit opens up to a huge open cave-like area. The roof spikes downwards like its dripping and meets with the floor, and blue glistening water divides up areas. This is were the Drudes and Familiars dwell when they're not out slaughtering humans carelessly.

You take a left down a narrow hallway and come to a dead end with a door. You yet again type in another combination and then push the door open.You see a table dead in the middle of the room, and ontop of it is the pale body of your beloved sister Rose Lalonde.

A few tears fall down your cheek before you rub them away. Dirk suddenly appears behind you and you resume your usual poker face. 

"A human called Jade Harley killed her. She is related to Jake English, Jane Crocker and John Egbert who are all hunters" He informed you solemnly as he pulled a white sheet over her body. Bells go of in your head. John Egbert was the human you didn't kill. "I know John Egbert. Well I don't, but I know where he lives" You told Dirk, already brewing up a plan in your head.

Dirk looked at you, catching your drift as he raised an eyebrow. "What are you still doing here then? Go get them!"

And that's how you ended up about to kill Jade Harley.

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