Ruffled Feathers

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Dawn, the sun wasn't fully out but it was light outside. Doc was brewing a kettle of coffee. Dick sat beside Doc.

"I like the smell of coffee in the mornin' Josiah."

"Hell yeah. Roasted then bewed into a strong but holier than thou drinkin'."

"Your real name is Josiah, I knew it wasn't Doc."

"That's right little ma'am."

I turned to Dick.

"We've never talked much Mr. Brewer. I've talked to Doc, Billy, and Mr. Chavez since we all met. How bout we get to know each other."

"Hmm well, to be brutally honest, I'm not keen on kids."

"That's ok, just treat me like one of the guys instead of a kid."

He chuckled.

"Treat ya like one of the guys huh?"

I nodded.

"Yes sir, I've never been around other kids, never went to school, taught myself to read and write. Because my mama is a prostitute and a saloon server, I'll get picked on if I even show my face at the schoolhouse."

Doc gave us a tin cup of coffee.

"Here ya go Luci, this'll ruffle your feathers a little bit."

"Ain't she too young for coffee?" Billy asked as he got his cup.

"One won't hurt her Bill," Dick said.

"It'll get her feathers ruffled alright, ooo wee."

"I don't have feathers ya know," I said.

"An expression," me and Chavez said in unison.

I took a sip, boy it was strong.

"Dios mio," I said in between coughs.

"It is purdy strong ain't it Little Ma'am?" Doc asked.

"Strong enough to kill me, Ora!"

I took another sip, it was less strong. I hummed, then sipped again.

"Get ready to ruffle," Dick said.

After about a half hour, I was jittery and breathing heavily. I felt the need to run around like crazy. I stood up and started circling around the guys, buggy, and horses.

"Come back here," Billy said.

"Nah, she'll tire herself out," Chavez said.

I stopped in front of them panting.

"I'm a seven year old child, I should be running around, I should be running!"

I continued running around where they can watch me.

"No more coffee for her," Billy said.

"Alright, she's stickin' to water," Doc replied.

I ran back to them.

"Who's up for a race!?"


"Yeah, first one to get to the creek and back wins!"

"Wins what?"

"Nothing, just a fun foot race!"

"What's the point of a race if we don't win nothin'?" Steve asked.

"Humoring the kid, come on!"

They got up to join me.

"I ain't wastin' a bullet for this so when I say go, start runnin'," Billy said.

We got into position.


We ran. Of course I was last because I was a kid and they were full grown men. Chavez was faster than all of us, he won.

"I always knew you were a runner Chavez!" Doc said panting.

Chavez looked towards my spot to find the rock gone. His immediate response was pull out his knife and backed Steve up on the back of the buggy.

"Where is it!?"

"Where's what man, I didn't do nothin'!?"

"Chavez get off em!" Billy yelled.

"The rock, where is it, it's not where it's been since last night. Give the rock back to the little girl or I will gut you like a goddamn deer! Where is it?"

I looked under the buggy, it was behind the front wheel.

"I got it, it was under the buggy!"

Chavez sighed in relief and put the knife away.

"What the hell, Jose!" Doc said.

"I found it ok, it's fine."

At that moment, my tummy started hurting to the point of feeling sick. I turned around to vomit on the ground.

"Aw man," Dick and Charley said.

"She's gettin' sick," Billy said.

I felt a few pats on my back.

"Get it out of ya," Doc said.

"I know a place, it'll get her in some shade," Billy said.

"I know the exact place you're talkin' about," Steve said.

They walked me to the creek to rinse my mouth out and we were off on another ride.

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