Episode 2: Dead enders

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Chapter 4: Morning at Nexus Academy

Ash walked into Nexus Academy, the morning sun casting a golden hue through the tall windows that lined the hallways. The buzz of student chatter filled the air, blending with the rhythmic hum of lockers slamming shut. Spotting Nellie and William near their lockers, engaged in a lively conversation, Ash smiled to himself and approached them.

"You got the new schedule, right?" William asked.

"Nope," Nellie replied, her tone light.

"Hey guys!" Ash greeted, dropping his backpack to the floor as he joined the conversation.

William and Nellie turned towards him, their faces lighting up with genuine affection and familiarity.

"Hey, Ash!" William said.

"Ashy! How are you?" Nellie added excitedly.

"I'm good. What are you guys talking about?" Ash asked.

Nellie exchanged a quick glance with William, her expression shifting to mock seriousness. "Ah, nothing. Don't worry about it," she sighed theatrically.

As they chatted, Don entered the scene, walking down the hallway with a relaxed stride. He caught sight of the trio and paused, his gaze lingering on Ash for a moment before he approached. Don yawned, stretching his arms above his head as he walked.

"Morning," Don waved at Ash.

Ash looked up, meeting Don's gaze. A small, shy smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Morning, Don," he said, waving back.

Nellie raised an eyebrow, noticing the interaction between Ash and Don. "Who's that?" she asked.

Ash's cheeks flushed slightly, and he quickly looked away, scratching the back of his head. "Don't worry about it," he mumbled.

Nellie and William exchanged curious glances but decided not to press the issue.

"Oh, so it's a secret now, huh?" Nellie teased.

Ash chuckled nervously, shaking his head. "It's nothing like that. He's just a new friend."

William gave Ash a knowing look, a playful smirk on his face. "Sure, just a friend."

Ash rolled his eyes, trying to hide his embarrassment. "So, what's the plan for today?" he asked, changing the subject.

Nellie shrugged, leaning back against the lockers. "Same old, same old. Classes, lunch, more classes. Maybe we can hang out after school?"

Ash nodded, glancing at Don who was now talking to a few other students across the hallway. "Yeah, that sounds good."

"Come on, guys, let's go to class," William urged.

"Yeah, before Mr. Zarato kills me," Ash agreed.

"Mr. Zarato is your class teacher? What a shame," Nellie commented.

"Yeah, he almost ripped me to pieces yesterday," Ash said with a grimace.

"Well then, you better hurry," Nellie advised.

Ash rushed to class, determined to make it on time. A few moments later, he entered class 10A and approached his seat, setting his things down and preparing for the day's lessons.

### Chapter 5: The Classroom Antics

"Someone arrived on time," Don remarked, a smile playing on his lips.

Ash shot him a look. "Do you want Mr. Zarato to tear me apart?"

"That would be interesting to see," Don replied with a mischievous grin.

"You're crazy," Ash chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease with Don's presence as he took his seat.

"Tell me," Ash asked, "I've never seen you in this school. Are you a transfer student?"

"Yeah," Don confirmed.

"Oh," Ash replied, intrigued but before he could ask more, Mr. Zarato entered the classroom. His authoritative presence was immediately felt.

"Everybody, butts on the chair and mouths shut!" Mr. Zarato commanded firmly.

Ash rolled his eyes. "Here we go again," he muttered.

Don giggled softly, amused by Ash's exasperation.

### Chapter 6: The Assignment

A few hours later, the classroom atmosphere was a mix of anticipation and weariness as the day dragged on. Mr. Zarato paced the room, his eyes scanning the students with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Remember, the assignment is due at the end of the class. I expect to see your best work," he announced.

Ash leaned over to Don, whispering, "He always says that, but I'm not sure he knows what 'best work' means."

Don smirked. "Maybe we should give him something he's not expecting."

"Like what, a unicorn drawing?" Ash suggested, stifling a laugh.

"Or an essay on the history of memes," Don countered.

Ash struggled to contain his laughter. "Oh man, he'd probably explode."

"Worth it," Don replied with a wink.

Mr. Zarato turned sharply, catching their whispering. "Hart, Venard! Is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

Ash sat up straight. "No, Mr. Zarato."

"Just discussing the assignment, sir," Don said innocently.

"Then get back to work," Mr. Zarato ordered, his frustration evident.

The class continued, the tension of the school day slowly easing as the students focused on their tasks. Ash and Don exchanged glances filled with silent laughter and shared jokes, making the hours pass more quickly.

"I can't wait for this day to be over," Ash said, stretching in his seat.

"Me too. It's been a long one," Don agreed.

As the bell rang, Mr. Zarato's voice cut through the classroom. "Alright, class dismissed. Don't forget to turn in your assignments on your way out."

Ash packed up quickly. "Finally," he sighed.

Don followed Ash out of the classroom. "Let's get out of here."

"Before Mr. Zarato decides to give us another lecture," Ash joked.

"I'm with you on that," Don laughed as they headed out into the hallway.

### Chapter 7: Lunchtime Conversations

Ash, Nellie, and William were seated at their usual table in the cafeteria, engaged in a lively conversation.

"I miss Lisa," Ash said, a hint of melancholy in his voice.

Lisa, a sixteen-year-old girl who used to be part of their friend group, had transferred to a different school.

"Yeah, now I'm the only girl in the Dead Enders," Nellie remarked, her tone light but with an underlying wistfulness.

William chimed in, "She came up with that cool name. Where is she now?"

"She's at Brooks, the best school in Nexus," Nellie replied.

Ash looked puzzled. "She's in PES (Perseverance Excellence School) high school? How can she afford that?"

"Last I checked, her father got a huge promotion," Nellie explained.

"Good for them," William said.

Ash frowned. "Why is this my first time hearing about this? I swear, the lack of communication in this group."

William grinned. "Nel, did you hear that Jink is pregnant?"

"Pfft, no way," Nellie said, incredulous.

"I'm telling you," William insisted.

"Jinx. Wow," Ash murmured, shaking his head.

"I talked to her a few months ago. I didn't see any signs of pregnancy," Nellie said, still in disbelief.

As Nellie and William continued their conversation, Ash's attention wandered to Don, who was sitting by himself at a table across the cafeteria.

Nellie noticed Ash's distraction. "Wait, hold on, Will. What is it, Ash? See someone you like?"

"No, I'm just... uh," Ash stammered.

"Spit it out," Nellie urged.

"I was just looking at Don," Ash admitted.

"Who's that?" William asked.

Ash pointed to Don. "He's a transfer student. I sit with him in class."

"Oh, he's the one from earlier this morning," William said, nodding in recognition.

Nellie grinned mischievously. "Oh, so you want me to call him over for you?"

"What? No, that's not what I said," Ash protested.

"Too late!" Nellie shouted. "Hey, Don! Come over here!"

"No, Nel, why?" Ash groaned, his face reddening.

Nellie smirked. "Obviously, he needs friends, right, Will?"

William raised his hands in mock surrender. "Don't involve me."

"Traitor," Nellie muttered, rolling her eyes.

Don approached their table, looking curious. "You called me?"

"Yeah, Ash thought you should join us," Nellie said, ignoring Ash's attempt to interject.

"When did I..." Ash began, but Nellie cut him off.

"Shush. So, take a seat," Nellie said.

Don took a seat, facing Ash, who blushed slightly and looked away.

"Let me introduce you to the gang," Nellie said. "My name's Nellie Tupper, that guy over there is William Greyham."

"Yo," William greeted.

"And last but not least, Ash Hart. I'm sure you know him," Nellie finished.

"Hey, Ash," Don said, smiling.

"Hey," Ash replied, trying to sound casual.

"Yeah, and we are the Dead Enders," Nellie announced proudly.

"Cool name. Oh, and my name's Don Venard," Don said.

"So, Don, tell us about yourself," Nellie prompted. "I heard you're a transfer student. Where did you originally go to school?"

"Atlanta Heights High School," Don answered.

"That's far. Why would you come here of all places?" William asked.

"My mom got a job here, so we had to move," Don explained.

"I see. You got any friends?" Nellie asked.

"No, all my friends are in Atlanta," Don replied.

"That's good to know. Hey, Ash, you've been awfully quiet. Thinking about someone you like, huh?" Nellie teased.

"No, don't jump to conclusions," Ash muttered, flustered.

"Yeah, since we're on the topic, it's a new year, we're all single, unless, Don, you..." William trailed off, looking at Don.

"No, no, I'm not in any relationship," Don said quickly.

"So, yeah, anyone developed feelings? A crush? Someone interested, Nel?" William continued.

"Me? There's nobody," Nellie said dismissively.

"I think I saw a really hot girl in my class. She's lesbian, I think," William said thoughtfully.

"You're les?" Don asked, directing the question at Nellie.

"No, I'm more straight but a little bit bisexual, if that makes sense," Nellie replied. "I don't want any girls. I want men. But you, Will, I'm sure there must be someone you like since you're a lady's man."

"I am not a lady's man," William protested.

"Oh, really? What about Jessie? You made her fall in love with you," Nellie said pointedly.

"What?" William exclaimed, taken aback.

While Nellie and William were bantering, Don turned to Ash.

"So, is there someone you like?" Don asked softly.

"What? No, I don't know," Ash stammered, blushing and looking down. "What about you? Any girls you're into?"

"They're good-looking, but I'm not into girls," Don said, his voice calm.

Nellie immediately stopped her conversation with William and focused her attention on Don. "Wait, does that mean you like..."

"Yes, I'm into guys," Don confirmed.

Nellie squealed excitedly. "Yes, finally!!"

People nearby looked at her, some laughing at her outburst.

"Keep it down, geez," William muttered.

"Shut up, Will. You have no idea how long I've waited for a homosexual in the friend group," Nellie said, grinning. "I asked Will, but he wouldn't agree to be one. I even begged."

"That's because I'm heterosexual, Nel," William said, exasperated.

"Liar, you're always checking out guys," Nellie accused.

"What? When? And I thought I was a lady's man," William retorted.

"You're both, man. And a lady's man," Nellie said decisively.

"That doesn't even make any sense," William muttered.

While Nellie and William continued their playful banter, Ash spoke to Don.

"So, a guy into guys, huh?" Ash asked.

"Is something wrong with that?" Don replied, his tone cautious.

"No, it just didn't strike me as the type," Ash said.

"Mmm," Don murmured.

"So, any guys you like?" Ash ventured.

Don blushed slightly and smiled. "Maybe."

Before Don could elaborate, the bell rang.

"That's the bell. I'll see you guys later or tomorrow. Bye," Nellie said, gathering her things.

"See ya, nice having you here, Don," William added.

"Thanks," Don replied.

Everyone headed back to their classes, the conversation lingering in Ash's mind as he walked to his next lesson.

### Chapter 8: After School Decisions

Hours later, the final bell had rung, signaling the end of the school day. Don walked out of the gate, his steps leisurely as he considered the day's events. Just as he was about to head home, he was intercepted by Ash, William, and Nellie.

"Halt, you vile beast," Nellie called out playfully.

Don stopped, a puzzled look on his face. "Uh?"

"You heard me. Thou shalt not pass," Nellie continued, her tone mock-serious.

"Shut up, Nel. Sorry, she's crazy," William interjected, rolling his eyes.

"Hey!" Nellie protested, feigning indignation.

William turned to Don, a grin spreading across his face. "So, have you decided?"

"To join the Dead Enders, duh," Nellie added impatiently.

"Um..." Don hesitated, glancing at Ash.

"Come on, you won't die," Ash said with a reassuring smile.

Don chuckled, feeling the warmth of their camaraderie. "Okay."

Nellie jumped with joy. "Yes!"

William clapped Don on the shoulder, his smile widening. "Welcome to the Dead Enders."

Don felt a sense of belonging wash over him, a feeling that had been absent since he left Atlanta Heights. As they walked together, chatting and laughing, he knew he had found his place in this new chapter of his life.


End of Episode 2

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