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Luke walked to the soccer field the next morning, they had won the game as per usual the night before. He didn't play though. Andy played for him. Jasmine wasn't there either, Vanessa claims she was sick which was obviously bull shit.

Calum was on the field already, he was the only one. "Hey." Luke mumbled throwing his bag down. "Yo." Calum said back in a rather happy mood.
"What's got you all pepped up?"
"I have an idea." Calum smiled.
"Oh great.."
"I'm asking Ivanna to homecoming." Calum said. Luke had completely forgotten about homecoming, he had asked Jasmine but there is no way she still be up for it. He didn't want to go with her anyways.

"And how do you think that'll work out for you?"
"Fantastic! She'll say yes and then we will win upperclassmen court. Then have really nice victory sex at my place." Calum said, confident in his plan.
"Remember last year when you were definite that you and Aria were gonna win court and you guys lost, to Liam and Vanessa."
"Hey don't mention my dead girlfriend and I won't mention your girlfriend that's dead to you, besides there is no way Liam and Vanessa are going to win this year they're not even going together!"
"You don't have to go together to win, and I heard Liam is taking his girlfriend so you're right. Plus who, besides Liam, are you even competing with?"
"And Niall, we all know Louis is king already."
"What about the girls?" Luke asked

"Vanessa, Nicole, and Ivanna."Calum smiled when he said Ivanna.

"And lower class?"
"You." Calum smiled.
"And Lane...." He continued.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Luke rolled his eyes.
"And Andy."
"Wanna hear the girls?."
"Id rather not, but if you must." Luke sighed.
"Ally, the cute blonde that sits in front of you in Spanish. And Becca you know the hot punk girl that plays basketball" Calum said trying to cheer Luke up a bit.
"And Jasmine..."

"Dude what the fuck?" Luke said.
"I mean you can use my plan if the two of you win." Calum smirked.
"I don't even want to use the fucking plan! Why can't we nominate ourselves?"
"Cause it's a student body thing, that's what makes it fun."
"That's why you lose cause all the girls don't pick you, the fuck boy who laid them on their backs then never called them back, over Liam, the sweet boy who opens the doors for girls and carries their books to their lockers."
"I get it, I'm terrible and won't win."

"Hey you could win, I'll vote for you! Right after I find a date."


Calum and Luke were walking into algebra. Luke took his seat at the table next to Jasmine who was already there. Which was awkward seeing how all the shit that went down with them happened over the break and neither of them thought about their classes together. Calum sat across from Luke, Vanessa sitting next to him across from Jasmine. They were a good group and worked well together, or they did.

They were studying for finales all month starting today and Luke didn't know shit. They all usually copied of Jasmine who was a math grade ahead of her class, Luke was the only one in the group that was suppose to be in that math class. Jasmine wouldn't let them copy today though. Luke knew by her face she was pissed.

"So...." Vanessa coughed to break the silence. "Calum do you have a date for homecoming?" She asked. "Yeah I have a plan to ask someone."
"That'd be cool if us juniors finally beat the seniors out and won something." she chuckled.
"Yeah I'm hoping I win, not to sound conceded." he told her. "No I know what you mean."

There was another moment of silence.

"What about you Luke?" Vanessa asked as Luke was biting on his lip ring lost in thought.
"What about me?" He said.
"Do you have a date to homecoming?"

Jasmine looked over at Luke for a moment before returning to her work.

"No I don't."
"Wanna go?" Vanessa asked giggling to herself for a moment.
Jasmine glared at her, Vanessa just shrugged it off.
Calum raised his eyebrows at Luke, knowing he was in the deepest of shits right now.

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