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Calums favorite part of the end of the school year was the graduation parties. He could get shit faced drunk to celebrate the start of summer. He would leave for soccer camp in two weeks. He thought about his life a year ago. When his sophomore year was ending. He was sad because it had almost been a year since Aria had passed. Now it's almost been two years and Calum barely thinks about her. He realized he can't live his life wondering what it would be like if she was still here. It probably wouldn't have been any better. The only person who can make sure Calum has a good life is himself, he's finally coming to terms with that.

As he was getting dressed for the party he heard his phone go off. It was a text from Ivanna.

'Hey I know you're probably going to Louis' party with Luke but I took what you said into consideration. I want to start fresh as well. If you wouldn't mind picking me up at 8 and us going together than I'd love to go with you. Xo Ivanna.'

Calum quickly texted back saying Luke was driving himself and that he'd love to go with Ivanna.

He quickly got dressed and threw on his SnapBack. He left the house at 7:45. It was a good thing Ivanna only lived a few blocks away.


Luke had arrived at Louis' party. It was a huge bonfire with tons of people. He was hoping Kylie, a girl he was talking too, would show up. She was a soccer player from a different school that he met at a camp last summer. He thought he'd talk to her now that he was single. He walked all over the place but she wasn't there. He decided to walk up the hill to Louis' house and check if she was inside. He was walking through a crowd of people in the kitchen when he felt a small figure bump into him and a liquid seeping into his shirt.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He looked down and saw her. Jasmine. She was dabbing his shirt with the end of her long sleeve in panic until she looked up to identify the tall figure. She immediately stopped when she realized it was Luke.

"You're here?" He asked. "You're looking at me aren't you?" She rolled her eyes. Luke and Jasmine haven't talked in a month.

"Can we talk?" Luke asked. He wanted to work shit out. He didn't want to spend the summer and the next school year fighting with her.

She rolled her eyes. "I guess."

They walked upstairs to a room that belonged to one of Louis' sisters. They sat on the big pink bed.

"So?" Jasmine said after sitting in awkward silence for a moment.
"Okay look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not giving a fuck when you told me you were pregnant. I'm sorry I chose soccer over you all the time. I'm sorry I cheated on you with Karma, and then cheated on you again with Ivanna. I'm sorry I punched Lane in the face. But most of all I'm sorry I didn't give you the love you deserve. You deserve someone who will give you their all, I just couldn't do that." Luke confessed.

"You know why you couldn't?" She asked. He shrugged. "You couldn't because you don't love yourself Luke! You are constantly fucking up and trying to be a fuckboy who doesn't care about anyone else so you can fit in with your stupid friends! I love you Luke. I love the sweet you, the one who is a softie when we are all alone. The Luke that wants to have 2 kids and live in a huge house and have more dogs then you know what to do with. The Luke who doesn't care what others think about him. That's who you are Luke. You aren't 'Fuckboy Calum' or 'I think I'm better than everyone else Louis.' You are Luke, a sweet and caring guy who wears his heart on his sleeve."

Luke knew Jasmine was right. He was trying to fit in because he hated when people would make fun of how him and Jas were around each other.

"I don't deserve you." He said just above a whisper. "Fuck no you don't." She replied. "But I'm willing to settle for you. I'll give you another chance if you promise me to never fuck me over again."

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