Chapter 18: Pickup lines

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Standing outside the door to the boys dorm, she heard laughter and happiness in all their voices, and for a second she wondered if she should walk in and ruin the fun like she always seemed to do. Ellie knocked
"Come in" Sam says the laughter and happiness faded but didn't stop. She came in saying hi
"Hey badass what took you so long?" Carder asked as everyone said 'hey Ellie'.
"Ok so get this" she came over and sat on the floor by the fire place next to carder. the boys listened in
"My Magical history class is awful. Cassidy, her boyfriend, Becky, Angelica, and Noah are in my class!" Ellie said exasperated, putting her elbows on the table.
"Oh that's awful" Sam cringed, Enzo just laughed.
"Are you ok, did they say anything to you?" Jack asked leaning on the back of the couch.
"I'm fine, but Noah said the most ridiculous thing to me, actually like three most ridiculous things" Ellie says laughing.
"What stuff did he say" Enzo asked.
"Could you shut up she's trying to tell us!" Mateo said annoyed, he was sitting in a dark wood and purple carved chair and Hugo was leaning on the back. Ellie rolled her eyes
"As I was going to say, class started and there was an open seat next to me so I was like, score I get to sit alone. then five minutes in Noah comes in and of course the only seat that's open is the one next to me. This bitch smiled at me and sat down. Then he has the audacity to say, HoW aRe yoU DArliNg? Like WHAT?!?!" Ellie yelled standing up.
"What!? He can't call you that!" Mateo said loudly.
"Yah, what the bloody hell was he thinking!" Sam asked.
"You beat his ass right?" Carder asked.
"No, I should have though, back to the story. So I ignored that question but then he said something so stupid I think I lost brain cells, he said, YoU kNOw, I WouLD TAke yoU TO a moVie but tHeY Don't lEt yOu bRinG yOuR oWn sNAcks iN" she said in this deep masculine voice that just sounded hilarious. All of them were laughing so hard, Sam was hitting the arm of the couch and Enzo next to him had to hold onto the table for support. Carder was rolling on the floor even Hugo was laughing.
"WHAT IS HE ON!!" Shouted Carder still on the floor.
"I don't know but whatever it is I want some!" Enzo said laughing.
"Who the fuck uses pick up lines?!" Ellie laughed banging her fist on the table.
"Bloody hell! Did he hit his head?!?" Sam said as he just about fell off the couch.
"He is mentally challenged for sure!" Ellie chuckled as the laughter stopped.
"Ok ok ha what else did he say" Jack asked.
"Ok so ha ha, So I ignored that to but then he touched my cheek and said, Oh cOMe on aLl THe gOod PiCk Up lINes ArE taKeN, bUT YOu'Re Not. Again with the pick up lines, is he in the third fucking grade?!?" Ellie says throwing her hands in the air, while the boys laugh.
"So I grabbed his hand and said, Say one more thing and I shove this pencil down your throat, then he backed off" Ellie said proudly. The boys laughed and laughed, is this what it will be like all year Ellie wondered hopefully.

"Wait I have one" says Sam, the boys were trying pickup lines on Ellie to see which one was the best.
"Hey I'm cute and you're pretty together we'd be pretty cute" he said confidently.
"Boring" Ellie decided.
"Oof" Jack leered to Sam
"Oh I have one" Mateo announced.
"Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" He said.
"Oooooh" said Sam impressed.
"Ooooh that was good!" Ellie laughed.
"Guys why are we doing this? it is ridiculous" Hugo asked bored.
"Because it's fun, that's why" Jack told him.
"Wait my turn" Enzo said
"But I don't think yall are ready for this one" he tells mischievously.
"Lorenzo just say it" Ellie yelled impatiently.
"Ok" he cleared his throat. "Ellie are you a haunted house? Because I always scream inside you" he smiled trying not to laugh. Ellie's mouth dropped open.
"OOOOOOOOH!!" Mateo stood up slapping his hands on his head.
"NAW THATS CRAZY" Carder yelled.
"AHHHHHH, NOOO!!" Ellie yelled covering her face with her hands. Everyone was freaking out even Hugo looked surprised.
"DAMN!!!!!" Sam said flabbergasted. They again were all basically rolling on the floor laughing, this was the best Ellie had felt in a long time, and she didn't want it to stop. Sure, she wanted answers but she could get those another time, right now she was just going to have fun.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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