Chapter 14: CHAIR ON THE TABLE!!

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Elorah Quinn

We were probably the last ones to arrive at dinner, I was greeted by my sister running and jumping up into my arms. We were also greeted with yells of annoyance and questions, from the boys. I sat down in between Sam and Abby while Mateo literally jumped over the table and sat across from me. Charlie and kitty were also sitting at the table kitty was sitting next to Abby. A few minutes later professor Higgins came out in front of everyone saying that she hopes everyone had a good day, yada, yada. Then she declared for the feast to start, my mood dropped when I saw what was for dinner, steak, mashed potatoes, corn, and garlic bread. The steak was fine, but I don't do mashed potatoes or corn, and the smell of garlic made me nauseous.
So trying to avoid the other food in general I helped myself to steak and was only three bites in when Sam says,
"Ok Ellie we need to talk!" He turned to look at me.
"Oh no what did I do now?" I said sarcastically.
"Charlie told me that you want to try to tame an Avis, what's that about?!" He asked sternly, everyone at the table stopped talking and looked at m surprised.
"I don't know I just think that it would be fun" I say trying not to be the center of attention, but I obviously failed at that.
"Do you not realize that you will most likely die?!" Sam asked exasperated.
"Yah so?" I laugh, slightly annoyed. They all look at me weird, Mateo looks at Sam as if to pass a message. Sam nodded to himself and started eating again like nothing happened, everyone got the message and started talking again like nothing happened too. I had a feeling that this topic would come up again tonight, but I wasn't going to back down, I had a feeling that it would be fine and I always trusted myself, not my heart and not anyone else. I relied on myself, and why does he care so much what I do. I was halfway done with my steak when Carder accidentally flicked a piece of mashed potatoes onto the corner of my plate, I froze, I put the fork back on my plate and slid it away from me. I was a bit annoyed with Carder for ruining my dinner but this happened a lot.

As we walked towards the tower a beautiful woman that had dark skin and braids in a side part ran up to Kitty.
"Kitty! Who's your friend? She's really pretty" she said looking at me. I smile a little compliment's didn't usually come from strangers.
"I know she doesn't think so, that's Ellie, she is really nice" Kitty says.
"Ellie you have a really nice ass!" The girl grinned at me. My face turned red and Mateo let out a laugh. I didn't know how to respond that, I kinda like that compliment though.
"Ellie if you want you should meet me in the home room, I would like to get to know you" she smiled sweetly, and joined some girls up ahead.
"Who's that? she sees cool" I asked  Kitty.
"That's Tariyona She's the most popular girl in the left wing and unlike the right wing populars she's actually nice, we should totally go meet her!" Kitty says excited. It would be an excuse to not talk about the Avis thing.
"Yah sure let's go check it out"

The home room was more crowded, I saw Tariyona sitting on a long table in front of the bookshelves. Me, Kitty, and Abby walked over to her and the boys, and Charlie were talking to someone by the fire place.
"Oh hey glad you wanted to join us, I have a lot to ask you" she says cheerfully.
"Oh wait! On the table!" Chants one of her friends.
"No not now" says Tariyona but other people started chanting.
"On the table, on the table, on the table" chanted the people around us, and others started gathering around including the boys.
"FINE!" Tariyona says but they kept chanting. Tariyona grabbed a chair and slammed it onto the table.
"Ok be quiet, SHUT UP!" She yelled and everyone went quiet.
"Ellie you will get on the table and we will ask you any questions, but you have to answer honestly, ok? you up?" Tariyona asked her eyes glowing. I was going to say no but everyone started chanting again and cheering her on. Oh fuck it, I smiled and stepped on a chair to get on the table. I sat in the chair and crossed my legs smirking. All of them cheered until Tariyona yelled at them again.
"Ok to start what's your name? Full name?" Tariyona asked.
"Elorah Genesis Quinn" I answer easily.
"Oh I have one, how much money do you have?" A girl in the back asked.
"An ok amount" I lie, fuck the truth.
"Favorite color?" "Green"
"Pet peeve?" "when people chew with their mouth open"
"Favorite person" "my sister" Abby giggles standing up and hugging me, I put her on my lap.
"Favorite food" "don't have one"
The question kept coming but they were easy. Until the girl who wanted her up here started asking questions.
"How many people have you dated?"
"None" I said confidently I don't concern myself with that kind of stuff. Everyone looked shocked and I didn't know why, Sam was the only person who didn't look surprised.
"Well I assume you have hooked up with people then?" The girl asked a little bit dumbfounded.
"Ah not really" I am exasperated, was that normal here? The girls mouth dropped in shock.
"Close your mouth" I tell her and she does while a couple of people laugh.
"You have kissed people right?" Tariyona asks.
"Uh yes" I lie a bit annoyed. I leaned back in the chair and rested my head on her fist.
"Are you really a virgin!?" A guy shouted.
"Uh no" I lie again.
"Good I was starting to think you were a nerd" says a boy with blonde hair.
"Noah don't be stupid she's a blonde, she not a nerd" said the girl.
"You're right she's probably just a weird dumbass" Noah spat.
"Excuse me I-" I started
"Oh shut up no one was talking to you bitch!" Noah interrupted me.
"CALL HER THAT AGAIN!" Mateo shoved Noah by the chest
"Come on I DARE YOU!" Carder laughed looking like a psycho.
"Fuck off" Hugo says calmly.
"chill, I'm fucking off" Noah says putting his hands up by his head.
"Good ya dumb motherfucker" Enzo says flipping him off.
"We should go" Sam says grabbing my arm and pulling me off the table. Me, Sam, Abby, Charlie, Kitty and Jack quickly went to the lift and to our level.
"You can stop pulling me now" I say as he drags me towards the boys dorm.
"Sam stop pulling my sister it's mean!" Abby ran in front of Sam and started pushing him.
"Not now, good night Abby" Sam says and you could tell he was annoyed.
"Sam the five year old is right" Kitty says annoyed.
"Good night Sam" says Charlie grabbing Abby and pushing Kitty, closing the door to the girls dorm. Sam slammed the door open and I had enough, I was to familiar with being bossed around. The rest of the boys entered the room laughing about Noah.
"Enough!" I said ripping my wrist out of his hand, he turned around and gave my an annoyed and exhausted face.
"I don't know what kind of power you think have over me, but I will not allow you to drag me around like your little pet" I stepped towards him pointing my finger in anger. I turn my body.
"Maybe stop being reckless and stupid then I would leave you be!" He yelled. I wip around my hand flying into his face with a loud smack.
"I can take care of myself and I don't need your protection, if this friendship is going to work, you need to get that shit in your heads!" I yell to all of them, turning away from Sam who was bent over clutching his cheek, I was fuming. My hand really hurt from slapping Sam harder than I thought I could.
"Ellie-" Jack started looking a little scared
"Shut your mouth, I don't want to hear your another word from anyone!" I took a deep shaking breath "well good night everyone I expect to see you all in the morning" and with that I stormed out the door. Do they really think I'm that weak, well I'm not, they wouldn't last a week with my dad, I thought smirking. I opened the door and Kitty and Charlie were cuddling on the couch watching a movie on a bejeweled IPad, I assumed it was Kitty's. They looked so peaceful and for a second I was a bit jealous of their friendship.
"Ellie are you okay!" Abby ran up to me.
"Yes I'm ok little lady, come on let's get ready to go to bed" I say bending down to look Abby in the face.
"I heard the slap, that was badass" Charlie smiled.
"Hey Ellie, if taming an Avis is really that important to you, I was planning to take a 7th year to the Avis grove on Saturday" Charlie says leaning on the back of the couch.
"That would be amazing, thank you, really" I thank standing up.
"Yah yah" Charlie rolls her eyes
"Now let's just hope I don't die" I joke. "You should go before she changes her mind" Kitty says hurriedly.
"Good night guys, come on Abby".
"Night!" Yells both of them.

After a nice shower, Abby told me everything about her day and her classmates. Then we went our separate ways I looked at my phone and found that Jack, Carder, and Carol had texted me.

                     Lumber jack

Hey I'm sorry if we were doing too much or making you mad, trust me that was not our intention.

You're good, you personally didn't do anything, the other boys are just pissing me off, but I don't want you to apologize for them

Oh good 😅 see you tomorrow Ellie, good night.

ok good night



Listen don't b mad ok tbh I just wanted to fight someone😜, I was not trying to protect u, u r an independent badass woman who can take care of herself.😎

Ok thanks lol


Ok good night

Gn badass


Hi pumpkin how are things going, it's been quiet and honestly I'm kind bored. I got to go out with friends though I don't think I have done that in a while. But I love you and I miss you.😘

hi we are doing fine, and I miss you too, but I met a bunch of cool people who are now my friends, Abby has made a friend to, and I think that this will be a great year.

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