Chapter 10: Somthing Called Revenge

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I stopped breathing heavily in front of Annie.
"Annie, hey I-"
"Who the fuck are you?" Annie asked yelling. What the fuck, I, what?
"I- what, what are you talking about?" I stutter in confusion.
"Fuck of rat, she clearly doesn't want to talk to you!" Cassidy says in a nasty manner.
"Oh, I see, you can't talk to me because I was sorted into the other wing? Or are worried that I will embarrass you in front of your new popular friends?"
"I DONT, know you!" Annie insists.
"GOD, your so pathetic!" I yell infuriated. Annie lifted her leg and kicked me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me and fall back.
I gasped for air, stunned, Annie had just kicked me to the ground. Why would she do that? Everyone was laughing and yelling but all I could think about was how my best friend betrayed me.
"Here come the loser wing" Cassidy says right before a figure rushes past me. Cassidy and her friends run a few feet away afraid.
"Leave her the fuck alone" Mateo yelled in front of them, then the other boys caught up.
"Take your fat asses and run away, unless you're in for a fight?" Enzo says threateningly.
"Which we're all in for and honestly sounds fun right now" Carder says smiling like a psycho.
"We're not scared of you low life bitches" Annie spat.
"Then that will be your biggest mistake" Sam says as the boys laugh. Annie and her friends were trying to look tough but you could tell they were terrified.
"If I were you I'd run" Abby says her arms crossed and a menacing expression on her face. But to be honest she looked adorable.
They just glanced at Abby before running away to the right wing tower and disappearing into the crowd.
Enzo offered his hand but in anger I hit his hand away and got up myself.
"Are you ok?" Asked Jack.
"NO IM NOT OK! My best just fucking betrayed me. She is such a fucking Bitch!! Who pretends to not know someone! Especially your best friend! Actually she is not my best friend anymore, now she is my ex best friend!! Because she is a fake MOTHER FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!" I scream breathing hard. The boy's just looked at me speechless.
"I am going to stab that lying little bitch until her insides are on the outside" I growled starting to walk towards the tower.
"No no no" shouts Sam
"ELLIE" Enzo shouts
"Elorah no" Mateo says grabbing my arm and pulling her back.
"Are you really that stupid?" Hugo asks as Mateo turns me around. We all ignored him.
"For the record I would have helped you" Carder says as we start walking to the Left wing tower.
"You know what, forget your old friend, you have new friends now!" Enzo says smiling.
"Oh yeah? and who would that be?" I ask smirking.
"Us idiot!" Sam says and everyone except Hugo nods or says confirms.
"Well good, although I still want to plan revenge on Angelica" I stated as we reached the tower.
"Of course and we would be thrilled to help you" Sam laughed. We were one of the last groups of students to get there, almost everyone had gone up. We entered the room and it was fairly plain compared to the rest of the academy. It was a dark Blue room with candle lit lanterns. On the sides are long hallways with what I guessed was classrooms.
"The first three levels are just classrooms. There is also one level down with more classrooms and staff rooms" Sam explained seeing me looking around, I nod. We were walking to the middle of the room, where there was a huge golden circle on the ground. The circle was cut up into three equal parts with metal mesh. Each part was big enough to fit all eight of them and probably two more people. And that is exactly what we did, I am the last one to get on, we were standing in a spread out triangle. I held Abby close to my legs and Sam pushed a button that said 21.
"Oh and Ellie, hold on to something" Enzo said smirking.
"What?" all of a sudden they shot up fast and I lost my balance almost Falling backwards, I felt my hair hit a floor of a level we passed. Then quickly Jack put his hand behind my back saving my ass. The boy had also reached for her.
"Thanks, why is there no door? There should be a door! wholly shit" I exclaim breathing hard as Sam pitched the bridge of his nose from stress.
"I agree" Jack says. We were flying past levels so fast that I could barely see inside them. Then we stopped so fast that I almost lost my balance again, but Abby did and I caught her. We stepped off into a small dark purple circular room with a door on each side.
"Come with me Ellie and Abby" Sam says walking to the door on the side of the tower. The boys went into the other door. He opens the door to a room with couches in front of a fireplace, a table in the corner, and a huge window on the wall.
"This is your dorm, you get to pick your own room. Let me just...KITTY!" Sam yelled abruptly.
"Oh hey Sam, OH you're new!" A gorgeous asian girl ran out from one of the two hallways on the side.
"Kitty, this is Elorah and her sister Abigail, can you get them settled in please?" Sam asks in a cheery voice.
"Of course" she says softly smiling, looking from Sam to me.
"Thank you, good night Ellie good night Abi. I will meet you in the morning to give you a tour and answer all the questions you need" Sam turned around and walked out but before he could get far I hugged him.
"Thank you for everything" I had to stand on my tiptoes because he was so tall.
"Yah thank you" Abby hugged his leg as I let go. He knelt down to hug Abby and smile said it all. He was overjoyed to get a hug from a six year old.
"night Sam" I said pulling Abby off of him.
"Good night Ms Quinn" he smirked as I closed the door. I turned around and was met with Kitty's energetic eyes. Her uniform had a hot purple almost pink lining, with a skirt that was plaid and the same color. She was wearing pink chunky heels and lots of sparkly makeup.
"Is your name actually Kitty? I mean it's a cute name just a little unusual" I walked past her looking into the room.
"My full name is Kaitlyn Lou, but Kaitlyn is just sooooooo boring right? So I just go by Kitty" she says walking in front of me.
"Yah you do not look like a Kaitlyn. You're way too sparkly for that" I agree.
"Your name is so pretty though, just like you! I'm so jealous!" Kitty says dramatically touching my hair.
"Yah ok don't lie" I laugh a little. Kitty's mouth dropped open.
"Girl What planet are you living on! couldn't you see how the boys were treating you at the table? I have lived with them for 3 years and just this year they have treated me like a friend" she flicked my forehead exasperated.
"Why did you flick me?" I asked laughing.
"Because I could not think of a better response to the stupidness that came out of your mouth" Kitty exclaimed turning around while I was laughing my ass off.
"Come on your rooms are this way, the other girls already claimed there's" Kitty says laughing leading her down the hallway on the left.
"Where are the other girls?" I ask noticing that we were the only ones here.
"Charlies probably at the stables. And I have no idea where Mia and Harper are" Kitty shrugs, stopping at the first door on the left. She opened it to a cosy light green room with a dark wood book shelf curving into the room on the left, a dark wood desk, a dark wood closet, and with a green twin size bed in the right corner. The desk was right next to it and the closet was built into the left wall. Straight to the right was a bathroom and a door into another room. I stepped inside running my hand over the dark wood bookshelf, that was half full of books. I looked at the bathroom. On the left a shower and on the right a toilet and behind her two sinks.
"Abby's room is behind that door. Now your uniforms were already custom-made for you and in here" Kitty says opening her closet. Hung up was uniform just like Kitty's but instead of hot purple it was a bright green.
"So you could either where a skirt, shorts, or pants. And you could wear a white shirt with this dark green or black vest by itself, or you could put a blazer over it" Kitty explained enthusiastically, she turned around and smiled.
"Oh and you can wear any shoes you want and on the weekends you can wear whatever you want. Any questions?" Her sweet smile made everything seem alright.
"What time should I get up?" I asked leaning on the bed frame.
"I'll wake you up tomorrow, but it won't really matter because it'll be Sunday, but still, I'll wake you up" she promised.
"Kitty! Why is there a sleeping child in here!" Called a voice with a British accent like Sam's, from the dorm. We walked out to a tall girl with short layered tan hair. She was wearing pants and her color was a soft light blue.
"Shhhh You don't have to wake her up!" Kitty whispered playfully referring to Abby, who is sleeping peacefully on the sofa.
"Sorry" the girl said rolling her eyes.
"Charlie this is Elorah and Ellie this is Charlie. Charlie is my best friend so don't steal her" Kitty laughs. I saw Charlie frown slightly when Kitty said friend.
"nice to meet you Ellie" Charlie says giving her a half smile.
"Charlie may ask, do you ride horses or something? Because Kitty said that you were at the stables" I asked shaking her hand. Both Kitty and Charlie burst out laughing.
"No not that kind of stable. I can show you tomorrow if you want" Charlie says chuckling.
"Sounds good. Oh shit, it's eleven, I should get to bed" I carefully slid her hands under Abby and carefully carried her to her bedroom. Before closing the door I say, "It was really nice meeting you, see you tomorrow" They say bye as I close the door. After tucking Abby in, I got myself ready for bed. With my pajamas on I jumped into bed and my mind raced with thoughts about that day. My head eventually circled on Angelica. I knew why she was doing this, it was to make sure she was popular and looked up to. I don't know why she had to be mean about it though, and why she would throw away our years long friendship. She is the only person other than Carol that knows what my father did. Not even Abby knows the whole story. Tears spring in my eyes, but I blink it away quickly, what the hell crying about things isn't going to fix them. But maybe there is something I can do to fix the Angelica problem, something called revenge.

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