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Alexander Pierce: Lieutenant, how much longer?

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Alexander Pierce: Lieutenant, how much longer?

Charlie XO: [on radio] Sixty-five seconds to satellite link. Targeting grid engaged. Lowering weapons array now.

Maria Hill: [to Steve as she watches from the monitor] One minute. [Steve desperately tries to get back up to the Helicarriers to get to the targeting system when Bucky becomes conscious and shoots at Steve in the left thigh and then the right shoulder, but Steve still manages to climb up] Thirty seconds, Cap!

Although the witches and wizards (minus the muggleborns) did not know exactly what the weapons that were constantly being used they could tell that it hurt. Many times through the past two movies any people who were friends with a muggleborn were constantly bugging them with questions about muggle technology.

Steve Rogers: Stand by. [he gets the chip out] Charlie... [Bucky shoots Steve in the stomach and he falls]

[On the helicarrier's bridge]

Charlie Weapons Tech: We've reached three thousand feet. Sat link coming online now.

Charlie XO: Deploy algorithm.

Charlie Weapons Tech: Algorithm deployed.

Alexander Pierce: [on radio] We are go to targets. [Hill watches as the weapons are being targeted at Washington, the White house, the Pentagon, Stark Tower, aiming to kill over 700,00 people.]

Charlie Weapons Tech: Target saturation reached. All targets assigned.

Charlie XO: Fire when ready.

Charlie Weapons Tech: Firing in, three, two, one. [at that moment Steve manages to get up and place the chip in the Helicarrier's targeting blade overriding the system and locking it down]

Steve Rogers: Charlie locked. [as they watch the targets go offline]

Charlie XO: Where are the targets? Where are the targets?

Maria Hill: Okay, Cap, get out of there. [Hill then gets the Helicarriers weapon targets to open fire upon each other]

Steve Rogers: Fire now.

Maria Hill: But, Steve...

Steve Rogers: Do it! Do it now! [reluctantly Hill makes the Helicarriers open fire on each other, Steve still inside the Helicarrier looks at Bucky below him; back at the Triskelion Pierce watches the Helicarriers as they are firing at each other]

Alexander Pierce: What a waste.

Natasha Romanoff: Are you still on the fence about Rogers' chances?

Alexander Pierce: Time to go, Councilwoman. This way, come on. You're gonna fly me out of here. [as Pierce starts to leave with Natasha]

Nick Fury: You know, there was a time I would have taken a bullet for you.

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