chapter 22

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I woke up alone in bed at nine I myself don't have idea how I can sleep this much. I never sleep without pills before and now I'm feeling tired without doing anything and sleeping without pills.

Am I recovering from my isonomia because of Tae as he feel like home to me and I can really trust him with my closed eyes that's why since he come in my life everything is going perfect like it has to be.

Now I know he is my man whom I can trust and relay on.

He is my everything now, love of my life and my bestfriend- bestfriend? Oh my god lia is going to kill me. I didn't call or meet her from two days since we officially start dating. She really going to tease me about this.

I sighed and again sit on bed from half and hour since I woke up I'm in the room like some war is happening outside. Tae strictly forbid me to come outside till he himself come. He send breakfast here in the room itself.

I'm was getting curious what's going on but after remembering his dead serious face I drop my idea and silently sit inside.

I dialed her number and after few rings she pick ups.

"Hello." I said and wait for her to reply.

"Hello? Who is this?" She asked and my eyebrows frowned.

"I'm yn."

"Yn? I don't know her." She replied as I bite my lower lip she is really mad this time.

"Lia pretty I'm sorry, forgave me this time." I ask forgiveness as I'm wrong i shouldn't forget her like that. But being dramatic ass she is I know she will over react and look here she also forget me well it's mutual now. Anyways

"Yn you broke my heart and heal my brother heart with it, not fair at all." She sound like my ex lover with whom I broke up and go to taehyung.

Seriously she should start acting in dramas. They pay her more than she get after working in flower shop now.

"Lia drop your act and tell me with whom you're hanging out nowadays?" I asked and laid on bed getting tired of walking in room.

"W-What? I'm not hanging out with anyone." She tried to sound confident to convince me but who's bestfriend she is? Of course mine as Don't know how to lie properly like me.

"Ms lia I also follow your social media account and my eyes is on you 24/7 so don't dare to lie." I threatened her and room door open reavilng Tae. He come and frowned seeing me on call but climb on bed and drop his head on my chest,sighing.

And I listen lia to sighed from other side and I know she must cursing herself for uploading her and his pics there. How she can be so dumb?

"Yn listen carefully and dont freak out ,I didn't tell you but I'm in need of money nowadays-"

"What? And you didn't think of me once?" I cutt her in between and asked in disbelief. How I will not freak out. I'm her bestfriend if I will not help her then who will?

"I know you're always here for me yn but I can't always ask for your help and take your advantage like this, you're my bestie not my bank account please understand this." She said as I bring my other hand in Tae hairs and massage his scalp listening what she is saying.

"What are you saying Lia? and forget this tell me how much you need." I said and lia sigh from other side and Said,

"First listen to me yn fully I got job in big company because of my new friend and now I can manage, don't worry." She assure so her new friend got her job, nice.

"Okay but still if you need my help just give me a call." I uttered and tae come little up and snuggling in my neck.

"I know my bestfriend is alive but looks like she forget me because of her lovely boyfriend." I knew this going to happen how can she leave a topic to tease me.

 BEAUTY AND HER BEAST- Taehyung ffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ