The start of my second season

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just want to say before i start writing i will be posting more regularly now as i'm back from travelling around spain with my girlfriend.
-> basically prepare for a bunch of new chapters soon
The first game of the season quickly arrives, our first game against villa. As we arrive at the away ground, we step off the bus and we are all mentally prepared for this season. A few arsenal fans have already made their way to the away stadium before hand, to potentially get signatures from us. Leah steps of the bus way before me , as i get stuck finding my airpod case which fell on the floor of the bus.

Last off the bus, i get off and put my airpods safely in my rucksack . I see leah stood, talking to a fan behind the gate which creates a barrier between us and the fans. The usual girls are there, the ones who regularly turn up to every match. I smile and see the dedication some people have for this team.The girl leah is talking too looks different, someone i've never seen before . She's not wearing a football shirt, or anything football related to that matter. She's stood there in linen trousers, and a white t shirt with a simple pattern on the front. She had this brown hair what tumbled over her shoulder, and wore small circular black glasses to cover her eyes. Beckoned over by fans i walk over to sign some shirts, i notice leah and this girl leaning on the fence talking to eachother, leah's eyes almost fixed on the girls face.
I walk slowly back from the fence and i feel a hand on my shoulder
"you know who that is right" mead says, her usual jokey self not able to be seen.

"i've never seen her before beth, who is she"

"that's leah's ex girlfriend. she broke up.... pfft id say a month before meeting you? i mean it wasn't a long relationship maybe a few months but shit, she's here" beth shakes her head
"you what?" my heart drops as i hear what beth says to me. Noticing her tone and seeing how she stared at this girl
"her names alice, i think she's a bit older than you, maybe 30? i don't know but she's a right mare"
"i cant watch this, i'll see you inside"
Before beth could stop me i walk over to them both. Alice's head turns to stare at me as she leans back from the fence slowly. Leah's hesd turns and sees me walking towards her. hee face almost drops into a stern expression
"hey leah you ready? it's time to go in" i say smiling, pretending i didn't know who this girl was
"yeah .. i'm ready to go" leah says looking down
I turn towards alice and look at her, putting on the fakest smile.
"you must be a mega fan! you've had leah's attention for what?" i look down at my apple watch and pretend to look at the time.
"god about ten mins? would you like my signature or are you interested in my girlfriends?" I smile at alice sarcastically as leah steps closer next to me
"nah your alright. i only wanted her." she nods towards leah and smiles, chewing gum slowly in her mouth
She puts her hand through the gate bars and offers me it
"i'm alice by the way. I see your the new fiancé. fair play leah she's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen" She lifts down her glasses from her eyes and her eyes wash over my entire body
"just drop it alice" leah says sternly as she grabs my hand away from alice's
"come on let's go in" leah says to me placing s hand on my back to guide my away
"good luck sienna, leah can't cope with commitment. I mean what? we never even planned the wedding after she proposed. so that's a first for you both!" she blows us a kiss and walks away from the gate

My face fills with heat as my body cramps from the rage what travels up my body. I turn towards leah who looks embarrassed. her cheeks flushed the brightest shade of red and her lip quivering.
"what is she on about leah." i look at her unable to make eye contact as leah pleads me to look at her
"i - look it's not what it seems" leah says as he words start to slur from the tears slowly beginning to fall from her eyes
"you know what leah, you kept this from me. why? what's the need? if you told me i would've been fine with it. but not once , in the year we've been going out have you mentioned the fact you were previously engaged? do you realise how hurtful that is" i say. tears begin to form in my eyes as i look at leah. she stands there looking down at her feet
"she asked me to marry her. we were dating for what? a month? she asked me. i never proposed. she's lying. i swear to you. i didn't tell you because  i didn't  want you to feel like it never happened and wasn't an original experience for us."

"why did you say no" i look at her as she finally makes eye contact with me
"because i never loved her. i liked her status, she's a media journalist for a women's football magazine. she wrote a piece about me, so when i contacted her for a follow up interview she asked me for a drink and it led from there. i said no to her because- because i never loved her. i never did. you have to trust me sienna"  leah looks at me with a pained expression "please" she adds

"i know you leah. i know you would've said no as beth would've told me if she was your ex fiancé . it's the fact you lied! the fact you never told me. i've told you everything, everything about my previous life. i wouldn't have been mad if you've been proposed to before, it's the fact you kept it from me and never told me about this. you understand that right?" i say looking at her
"i'm sorry you don't understand. you don't understand how much i apologise. i should've said something. please sienna" leah looks at me with a slight smile on her face
"i don't want to do this now leah. i'll talk later i'm not in the mood" i walk away from leah inside the stadium and wait for the game to start.

As the whistle blew to start the game, not one word was spoken between leah and i. Not even through training drills.

The game was fast paced, aston villa desperately trying to grab a three point win.

I scored a beautiful hatrick this game . Leading us to gain the three points .For my third celebration i ran towards the camera at the side of the pitch, put up my left hand and pointed to my engagement  ring, i blew a kiss towards the camera. Smiling smugly as i knew that celebration was aimed towards that bitch.

As the game ended and we walked back into the tunnel, i grabbed my phone out my bag to see floods of messsges on twitter, superfans of leah and women's football realising that my celebration was aimed at alice. My plan worked. I walked up to leah and kissed her cheek, as she smiled at me and held my engagement ring
she whispered in my ear
"i didn't realise you were so much trouble"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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