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Akutagawa was not expecting to meet fyoder again.

He ran into him in an alley behind the port mafia, while he was returning from a mission.

"What a nice coincidence to see you here akutagawa kun. I was hoping to meet you again soon, but I couldn't find you anywhere." Fyoder said with a smile on his face.


"How did end up here fyoder san?" Akutagawa asked.

"Oh that! I was trying to feed a cat which suddenly ran into this alley. I kind of chased after it and ended up here.  Looks like it has got a family here" fyoder replied with a smile.

"your wounds seemed to have healed well" fyoder said looking at the place where it was earlier injured.

"Akutagawa kun, how about we talk over cup of coffee.  There is a good coffee shop I know nearby.  There is something I want to talk to you about" fyoder said.

"And what could that be? " Akutagawa asked in return.

"You remember that day you were curious about the book I was reading.  We also had a lot of fun talking about it later. Well, that author has recently dropped another book. I want to show you the book and we can have fun talking about that again." Fyoder said with a wide smile.

Fun? Akutagawa was not sure about it.

But akutagawa did not really hate spending time with the man. It was quite peaceful, in fact.  Although the man talked a lot, he wasn't very nosy. He talked whether or not akutagawa paid attention. He didn't mind even if akutagawa was visibly not listening.  And the drinks he bought for him were also good. He made akutagawa quite comfortable.But akutagawa was not ready to face dazai's warth.

Akutagawa knew that dazai didn't want him to engage with fyoder.  The torture he underwent that day will never let him forget that. Hence, akutagawa refused the offer.

"Sorry. But i don't really want to talk about it." Akutagawa said.

"Why!? You seemed really interested last time" fyoder said with an annoying pout.

"Yes. But I am not interested this time" Akutagawa replied.

"How come!? You seemed so interested about the book last time that you even stared a hole into me.
Was it because you weren't really interested about the book. What were really curious about last time akutagawa kun?" Fyoder asked kind of menacing.

Akutagawa panicked. He didn't know how to reply.

"No..no that wasn't it. I was really just curious about the book only." Akutagawa said fumbling.

"Then why don't you seem so interested now akutagawa kun?" Fyoder asked approaching more closer.

"I.. I .." akutagawa was trying to make up excuses when suddenly a hand pulled him back.

Akutagawa tried to activate roshomon to the touch, but roshomon didn't wake up. That's when he turned to look up to Dazai pulling his hand.

"I thought the mission ended already. What are you still doing here akutagawa kun?" Dazai asked akutagawa with the most sinister smile akutagawa had ever seen.Before akutagawa could find the right words to say, another voice interrupted.

"I was planning to take him on a coffee date, before you interrupted us" fyoder said with a smile as sinister as dazai's, but just that this time it wasn't directed towards him.

"Coffee date I see. How romantic. But you see, my subordinate here is quite busy. So if you would excuse us." dazai said and dragged akutagawa away without waiting for fyoder's reply.


Dazai pushed akutagawa on the floor of his office and kicked him.

Akutagawa held his stomach whimpered in pain. The mission earlier did not let him go easily. Akutagawa was left with enough woulds on his body and dazai's kick made it hundred times worse.

While he was whimpering in pain, something very hot spilled over him. Akutagawa groaned.

Dazai had poured hot water from a kettle, on top of akutagawa's head.

He then lifted akutagawa by his neck and choked him.

"Did I not tell you not to engage with the man. Can't you even obey a single command!?" Dazai asked akutagawa threateningly.

"I..Im..sorry..dazai..san. im sorry" akutagawa choked out.

"I warned you already. But you decided not to listen to it and stray on your own way. Now tell me what should I do with you." Dazai said  choking akutagawa harder.

That's when someone suddenly kicked the door.


"You bastard. What do you think you are doing!?." Chuya shouted and grabbed Dazai's collar.

Akutagawa fell to the ground and coughed his life out.

"Don't meddle in my business chuya"

"I am not. In fact, I don't want to do anything with your twisted business. But this is! This is unacceptable. You can't get a child to involve in your insanity. Get yourself straight dazai." Chuya shouted at dazai .

"Do not tell me what to do. " Dazai said to chuya threateningly.

Chuya glared at dazai before his attention turned back to akutagawa, who was on the floor, throwing a coughing fit.

Chuya got akutagawa up and helped him out of the office, after giving dazai one last glare.


Chuya took akutagawa straight to the port mafia infirmary, even though the latter protested. The doctor cleaned the wounds and prescribed him some medicines and ointment.


Chuya sighed heavily next to akutagawa

"You know you don't have to put up with everything that bastard makes you to do. He is twisted so is his methods." Chuya said after some moments.

Akutagawa remained silent.

It's not like he didn't know dazai was a lunatic. He knew it really well.

But dazai was strong. Very strong. The demon was so strong and akutagawa feared it. His twisted nature makes it even more traumatising.

After some moments, chuya said, "Go to your room and Take rest. I will get you something to eat" remembering that akutagawa must have not eaten anything.

When chuya left, akutagawa went to his room and laid on his bed.


That night, akutagawa did not dream of anything different. Just the usual dazai, haunting him and ripping him apart.


Hey guys!

English is not my first language so errors might be possible 🙃
Any suggestions for improvement will be appreciated 👍 😊

Thank you for reading!!

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