07| Lord, give me words

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Holden: Will be in the second level of library.

I'd, gotten a message when we were out of our last class. At first I was very confused as to who it was the creep messaging me from an unknown number but almost immediately knew it was Holden from the message itself and what it said.

"What time do you need me back for you?" Braylee asked, as we made ourselves out the school doors. It was crowding with teenagers everywhere, looking overly rushed, ready to leave the school and enjoy the weekend I bet. No one could really blame them.

"Around four thirty or five. Again it's only if you could or I could always ask my parents to come and get me." I assured, hating that I had to have her come for me. This was the bad thing of not owning a car or even better not knowing how to drive. I seriously had to accept those driving lesson from my dad pretty soon.

"Heather, come on, it's no problem now. Plus I want to hear how everything went afterward. And we have youth group after so it only makes sense for me to come get you." she retorted, pulling me in for a hug right after.

I rolled my eyes. "Ok, bye. See you." I said, waving as she went off running, behind Emily and Liam who waved goodbye in my direction. With a sigh I turned back around and began my walk to the library to face the green-eyed mysterious boy. I could do this. It wasn't like I've never had to endure study sessions. Only this time they were for me, not me giving them.

The hallway was still full of kids everywhere. It wasn't until after an hour after dismissal when everyone was completely gone and the after school students in their classes. Silently, I made my way in between the steel doors of the library and was met by the brilliant silence and faint whispered conversations between some students. Our school had a very big library. It would seem a little intimidating for whoever entered into it for the first time. I wondered if Holden was. Probably not considering he loved sticking his nose in between a book always and had probably visited much bigger rooms filled with his haven.

I was going up the stairs of the library and cringed at the small thumps sounds of my feet going step by step on the stairs. It wasn't even loud but the silence of the library made it seem as a whole giant was walking up the stairs. Thankfully, no one cared to turn to look at the culprit making the noise. I paused when I finally got to the second floor, in search for any sign of Holden. Probably slumped, looking unbothered as his eyes skimmed on the book in hand.

And bingo! There he was, just how I had described, well kinda. He was at the corner of the library, beside the huge glass window, and surprisingly he wasn't reading. Instead his attention was on the piece of paper in front of him and oh, nope there was the book right beside his paper. It looked as if he was taking notes cause his eyes trailed from the paper to the book.

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