A different kind of sadness

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Did he just tell me to... to get out? I thought he loved me. I love him, he just-just...Dipper.

"Y-you don't mean that right?" I ask

"No, I do. I have a date coming over and I don't want you here. Why are you even here anyways!" he yells

"Because I-"

"No I don't actually care! Just get out!" he says shoving me out and slamming the door

"D-dipper?" I start to cry

I sadly walk downstairs and out the door. I slowly teleport to the forest and start to cry. Why did I even bother staying there anyways? Im Bill Cipher! The most powerful dream demon! But I was there, I was there for Dipper. I just wanted him to like me back. Just a little bit. But he told me to get out. He doesn't want me there. he wants someone else, a normal human, not a dream demon. This isn't sadness, it's a different kind of sadness.

"Dipper~" I whine quietly "Dipper~"

"Are you okay?" someone asks

"Huh? who are you?!" I say pretending like I wasn't crying

"Im Blade Litherland..." he says

"Why are you here anyways?! do you always talk to strangers in the woods?"

"Well no... but i mean, you were crying." he says sitting next to me

"yeah so? Dont people cry sometimes?!" i yell/ask

"Yeah, It's natural. By the way, um... why are you sad?" he asks 

"It's a different kind of sadness, you wont understand." i say sniffing 

"Oh really? Because i think i would understand. I grew up with a gay brother."

"Why would I want to know the last part?" i ask looking up

"Because you're gay..." he says

"What?! Am not!" i spring up

"Dude, Come on, i know a gay person when I see one." he grins 

"Whatever, you just don't get it," i huff

"Okay, whatever you say." he rolls his eyes

"Hey, why are you even in the woods?" i ask

"Oh, well my brother wanted me to meet his date. I didn't want to so i wondered off." he shrugs 

"Oh, oka- wait... why were you going through the woods? Where was he going?" i ask 

"*shrugs* i don't know, some place called the mystery Shack i think." 

"Dipper..." i whisper 

"Who?" he asks

"Pine Tree..."

"Thanks Blade!" i say teleporting to the Mystery Shack 

~~Dipper's pov~~

*knock, knock, knock* He's here!

"Hey Blake!" i say opening the door

"Hey Dipper! This is my brother... Blade." he says looking behind him "He left me..." he laughs nervously 

"It's okay, come in." I say opening the door wider 

"Thanks," he smiles 

"So what now Bill, I MEAN Blake?!"

"Bill?" He asks cocking his head "Who's that, or HE?" 

"Oh... Just a friend..." i say 

"Okay." he says 

Oh Bill, I'm sorry i kicked you out. I don't know what I'm doing, i guess i'm just not ready to accept that i love a demon. Well love is a strong word... i like you Bill. I don't know why i pushed you away. Bill i need you, i dont know what i'm doing with Black, or Bake, what ever his name is. I want you Bill. 

"DIPPER!" Blake yells 

"Huh? Oh yeah?" 

"Bye Dipper." He says walking out


"Dipper you've been just staring off into space for 20 minutes!" wow that long?

"Who ever this Bill is, you obviously care about him a lot. Bye Dipper." 

"Pine Tree~" he says shyly 

"Bill?" I perk up

"Hey Pine Tree," he smiles

"Bill listen i'm so-"

"Shhhh, save it all. I read your mind." he smiles 

Love-Hate Relationship~ BillDip story (BoyxBoy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon