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not that long after the shenanigans that occurred in the fire room, the girls were all in said room on their own beds and chatting away but then, paola steered the conversation in a completely different direction. "i can tell, like, as soon as i walked in, i'm like these are going to be like strong women. your energy is there. like i know what i want and like that's awesome."

"a girl needs to win this year." amber added and all the others nodded their heads in agreement. the girls then go off to talk about how the boys are surely off and forming an alliance with just them and how they need to form one of their own. "i even named like the final five is el cinco." paola said.

diary room (stella):

"she already had a name picked out?"


"yes!" joey silently cheer. "so is this an alliance, girls?" amber asked to get a consensus. "best alliance ever!" joey confirmed for them all.

everyone leaves the room except for nicole and stella. nicole turns the way she was looking and looks at stella. "so tell me! what's been going on between you and mr. new jersey?" she asks so excitedly. immediately, stella starts to think, 'is nicole able to look through walls or something?' she starts to shake her head in an attempt to try to deny everything that way. "shut up! you literally can't try to deny it! he was obviously eyeing you and you weren't to discrete about your doe eyes back at him!" nicole basically screamed out then julie called out for everyone to meet in the livingroom. "don't think that julie saved you from having to have this conversation with me." nicole smirked at a blushing stella.

nicole and stella basically run to the living room and stella sat on the couch between frankie and cody. "how is everybody doing?" she asks everyone in the living room. "great!" they all scream. "good. i suggest you enjoy your time there." she starts, "because i can promise you, that the house is going to get very crowded, very soon." and as she finishes, everyone in the room has a look of shock on their faces.

"but before that happens, i have some good news for you. one of you, sitting right here now, will become the first head of household this summer." she informs them. "as you know, the head of household gets his or her own private suite." she says, and once julie let out that piece of information, stella felt a huge smile appear on her face.

"they also have the responsibility of nominating two houseguests for eviction, and they are completely safe." she says, stella's already big smile nearly doubled. "well, you can scratch that last part." she says and then smile immediately and completely drops. everyone just looks entirely confused at that part and they look at each other.

"i don't like this twist at all," amber says. "as i told you, this is the. most. twisted summer ever. so first time in the history of the game, just because you are head of household, doesn't mean you're safe." julie says and everyone gasps. all that ran through stella's head was, 'this is not good.' "see you soon, houseguests." oh great.

the whole purpose of being head of household is that you hold all the power. but how can you possibly have power but not be safe at the same time? things were about to get confusing and messy real fast. 'how is it going to work? are we going to be playing for hoh and then picking two of the new people to put on the block?' stella starts to think. she has absolutely no idea what could possibly happen.

"so eight new people are going to be coming in and one of us will be the h.o.h. when they get in." cody said as they all began to scramble and freak out. everyone is throwing out different ideas and it's making stella panic a little more. she thought her own ideas were already scary, some of the ideas being tossed around were even more scary.

cloud nine - cody c. - bb16 (editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt