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"to pretty colors and high definition," donny says cheersing the group. after the toast, they all sit back down and talk and drink from their glasses (besides stella). after a while of talking amongst them all, they decide to separate into groups. most of the others go off while cody and stella stay on the couches. "so stell, do you have any family back in jersey?" he asks me.

"no my family all live in california, i'm the odd ball. but i have a sister that i'm super close too, daniele. we call each other pretty much everyday and tell each other everything. what about you, what's your family like?" stella asks. "well i have a brother and a sister, paulie, and angelina and parents that i adore. we don't live that far from each other and spend a lot of time together." he responded. "how about i treat you to some juice, my underaged friend?" he says and she rolled her eyes at him playfully.

"wow, you know how to win a girl's heart, don't you, dreamy?" she says sarcastically.

"well what can i say? i just have a way with the ladies." he says with a smirk and gave her a little wink before getting up and walking towards the kitchen. she chuckled to herself with very obvious flushed cheeks and then heard paola call out in the distance, "guys, guys house meeting!" a house meeting already? that was quick.

cody is walking back with a champagne flute filled with apple juice, somehow it felt that he knew that it was stella's favorite. "m'lady" he says and does a little bow. she laughed at his antics and grabbed the flute from his hands and took a sip from it. "why thank you, m'lord." she said back and bowed back to him. "well i don't know if you heard, but pow pow just called a house meeting. it sounded like it came from the bedrooms. we should go." she said to him and he nodded. they walked together to what they started calling the fire room.

as soon as the pair walked in the room, they sat down on a bed and paola immediately started talking "okay, so we were like talking and were thinking that like since we are the first eight in the house, that i think we should all stick together." paola says and the only thing that stella can think about is, how many times paola said like in one sentence. she begins thinking about how maybe she should have counted and made a game out of it. devin (the rock wannabe) began agreeing with her which snapped stella out of her train of thought. "if another group of people comes into this house, we have to do what we have to do to protect each other. we don't know what's going to happen." devin added on.

stella thought that this was a good idea to start forming something but she also still couldn't remember everyone's names. they haven't even been in the house together for more than a couple of hours. but it might be better to stick together and have better odds for what's going to come. "what if we're the magic nine?" frankie says, trying to come up with a name for the group that everyone agrees to.

as soon as they agree upon their name, the boys take off their shirts and start working out in front of the girls. as stella is watching it all unfold, she thinks to herself 'when did i blink my eyes and all the boys get on the ground shirtless and start to do an ab workout?' and then her thoughts veered off to, 'dang, i should have brought some popcorn with me.' after no longer than five minutes, the boy (minus frankie) gave up on the workout. 

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