thank yous & goodbyes

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first of all, once again, thanks for sticking with me through another story. your responses have been so heartwarming for someone who was writing full-length stories for the first time. i never really thought of IOIIY blowing up, and still receiving so much love for rematch; all i can say is thank you. you all have made my inner child so happy during all this time haha.

rematch will always remain close to my heart because it's something i actually wanted to write. even though IOIIY is also very memorable, i wasn’t very satisfied with it in terms of a plot. rematch was as close as i could get to satisfying myself, and feel a little proud about it. i got so used to the characters that sometimes i forget they’re real. like what do you mean summit and meridian are not real? i got really used to those names as well haha. it’s a little... odd, at the very least to end the story i had so much fun writing. But, well, it had to end someday.

i’d like to heard you all’s thoughts, theories (because i did drop a bomb on y’all in the epilogue lol), questions, and favourite characters, etc. or we could just talk. i think this time, there's a lot to choose your favourite character from. mine is ishan obviously, that's by nature. but other than that, it’s yashasvi. my little tsundere pookie.

now, coming to my final note. i’ve told you guys about this already but that doesn't make it any easier haha. this was most definitely my last story and i will be leaving wattpad. im sorry, i know i promised you guys to rethink about it but well, it’s just what feels right to do. it’s not that i’ve grown out of ishman or anything like that, i probably wasn’t very serious of them to begin with. and it’s not over any other issue either, it’s a very standalone decision. i've been in and out of fandoms all my life, and im actually impressed that i managed to stick here so long. all thanks to you lovely people! i earned some great friends from here, and i’ll be grateful for that.

i won’t be deleting any of my works and my account will remain here as an archive. i might log in sometimes, but honestly, i hadn’t used wattpad since 8th grade until last november so i can't promise anything. i most definitely wouldn't be writing again so please don't make me emotional after this haha. i’ll be checking in for your comments and notes until i delete the app, which i plan to do before leaving for college in july. im actually starting college this year! im excited about finally getting rid of chem, and getting to study physics all i want.

i’ll always love ishan. he is the sun for me, and i hope he achieves all the greatness in the world and beyond. as long as i watch cricket, i’ll always be supporting him.

thanks for reading my stories, thanks for always being so supportive. writing was just a neglected hobby before you all.

be kind to yourself and others. live your life, love your life. never give up. goodnight and godspeed.

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