chapter twenty four.

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minho's pov ⋆。˚

hyunjin is a liar. he said he didn't have any sort of romantic feelings for me but when we ran away to the united states on the sunny side of the hill, on our second week together, he kissed me again. this time, with so much more meaning.

i was taken aback. but i didn't stop him. i kissed him back and we slept together for the first time. i didn't think much of it, besides the fact that we were going to stay together for a while and our platonic friendship was surely gonna go another level the longer we were together.

i don't think it matters what we are. we like each other. we like each other's company and we both understand each other on a personal side.

i got rejected. but it doesn't mean i'll stop everything and not figure out more of myself by staying in the past. i can keep loving jisung, but i won't stay in the past.

someday, we said.

we're currently staying in one of his friend's house in the countryside of japan. we're thinking of staying here for a while before we go travel europe. maybe a year or two, i'll find a job and save as much as possible before we move out. i don't know exactly where we're planning to go but it doesn't really matter.

i'm feeling great. better than anytime before and i want to make this the most fun and no stress kind of getaway healing. i deleted all my social media. i don't have anything but my contacts and a phone where i take photos wherever i go. i was sort apprehensive deleting everything, knowing then i'll have no way of knowing what jisung is doing or what kinds of pictures he'll upload, but i knew something about deleting everything would make me feel better. and it did. eventually.

i won't worry about jisung because i know everything is gonna be fine on his end. i won't worry about my studies because i never really wanted to be a medical doctor anyway. i won't worry about my peers because i will meet and find new faces everywhere.

everything will be better.

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august 18 2023

i am now in spain. hyunjin is no longer with me as he left to go pursue his dream. that is, to become an artist. he stayed in japan, opening a art gallery where he kept most of his art. people love his art, and he's growing very fast in the media. he has lots of followers, a lot of fans too. i was happy for him, he finally found what he wanted to truly accomplish. where he wanted to be at. where he felt right.

i still had yet to find.

i thought about what i love. what i kind do with that. the first thing that popped in mind and that felt right, was food. i loved food ever since i was a child. i wouldn't mind eating how much i wanted and wouldn't mind a bloated stomach the next day. the kind of flavors that mixed together, the kind of colors that mashed together. everything about food was something special.

i was also very good at it. cooking, and mixing ingredients together and making it savory. i wanted to know more about what kinds of foods this world had to offer. i wanted to know more about me without needing to worry who i couldn't be. so, that is what i'll do. 

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