The First Impression

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          "Yes! Score!" You whispered quietly to yourself. You were sitting under your makeshift home and staying very still, waiting for your dinner. You saw a squirrel go by the trap you set up and you captured it. You stepped out from under the house you made. Well, it wasn't really a house. Ever since your master saw the 'incident' she kicked you out, and you've been in the forests and on the streets ever since. Your so called 'house' was two large rocks about 5 ft. from each other. You cut down a tree and sliced some wood planks off of it to make roofing. The floor was some more planks, except they were thinner and shorter to cover the whole of the floor. You made a wall by putting even more planks and shoving them in the ground to keep them stable. Your door was a large flat rock, that you pulled and pushed when you wanted to get in or out. For what it was, it was a pretty nice house.

          "C'mere squirrel! You made a horrible mistake!" You said wickedly. You were hungry, you hadn't eaten in two or three days and you were about to fulfill your hunger when you heard footsteps. You swiveled your head to the side and looked to where the noise came from. What you expected to be an animal, wasn't an animal. What you saw standing there was a tall man that looked to be about in his early twenty's. 

          "Who are you? What are you doing here?" You snapped at him. You narrowed your eyes at the man. He was wearing a  white, eight button vest with a black tailcoat. He also wore black dress pants and black dress shoes. His hair was a deep shade a black as well. His eyes were a dark crimson color, and he had white gloves on. 

          "Hey, answer me! Who are you and what are you doing here?!" You glared at him, waiting for him to move. You had a small dagger strapped to your leg under your knee high, f/c, dress in case he made any sudden moves. Before you could yell at him again. He took a couple steps toward you, bowed, and then spoke.

          "My name is Sebastian Michaelis. I am the head butler at the Phantomhive manor. I have been observing your behavior and noticed your skilled in the art of slaughtery. My master has ordered me to find a new skilled maid. I have taken into account many people, but you are the most skilled. If you would, please try your best to pin me to the ground. Don't be upset if you can't no one has ever done it before----!" He finished, but couldn't quite get the last word out. Before he had said that final sentence, you were already pinning him back on the ground. He tried to get up, but you weren't budging until you were told.

          "Very good my lady, now would you please get off me?" He said casually," We can get you back to the manor before dinner." 

          "And who says I want to go? Hmm?" You said sticking your tongue out at him.

          "My lady, if you don't come along, I'll have to kill you." He said coolly.

          "Well, I'll make a deal with you. If you can catch me, I'll come with you. If you can't I stay here and you don't kill me. Sound good?" You said. You had a certain trick up your sleeve that would be hard to accomplish.

          "Fine my lady, good luck. I'll give you a 15 second head start." He said.

          You rose off of him and started to run forwards, you hid behind a bush and waited for footsteps. Once you heard him approaching, you jumped up and shouted at him,"Boo!" But what he didn't expect you to do was change into an eagle and take off flying. You soared higher above the ground until you heard nothing but the wind as you flew. You glanced down to see that... he wasn't there! He must have given up and went about his day. You flew higher and faster, your wings spread open and the feeling of freedom filled you. When you flew, you felt that  there was nothing wrong with the world, and everything would be alright. Before you got to land you stopped dead in the air, with two strong arms tightly holding you. The a warm whisper in your ear that sent shivers down your spine,"Caught you."

Hey everyone! Sorry for the cliffhanger (kinda.) I hope you enjoyed the first part in my UNKNOWN part series. Thanks and enjoy! ~Free4All2Kill

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