Just Another Day At The Shore

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(Dj Pauly Delevecchio)

"I'm going to jersey shore bitch!"

"Alright we got a situation."

"I'm the sweetest bitch you'll ever meet"

(Ron laughs)

"After I have sex with a guy i'll rip their heads off"

🍒 The Queen has just arrived 🍒

"Go Vinny, Go Vinny."

"Um Hello."


🍒 So we're all having fun drinking and talking when three idiots douchbags come around us and one in particular was pissing me off but when the guy actually hit snooks on the face I snapped. 🍒

So the guy hits her and I go animalistic I jump on the bar and get in him

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!?" I attacked him scratching and beating him when I felt two officer take me off him and hand me to the guys as I go to get him again but this time the guys held me back tightly

"MOTHERFUCKER YOUR GONNA HIT A GIRL LIKE THAT ASSHOLE" I shout at him as ron and Mike tried to hold me down

"SON OF BITCH!?" I was visibly shaking hellish mad

"Red calm down."

"Ma'am enough." The Officer tried to keep the peace

"Fucking bastard hit her and you want me to fucking calm down!?"

"Ma'am enough."

"Red calm down or they'll take you to jail." Ron said to me which I took a deep breath my hands bowled up

"Deep breaths, deep breaths!"

"Where's is she?"

"She's in the bathroom." I go to Nicole

🍒 Although i'm the youngest of the group this girl is like an older sister to me and if you fuck with my roommates I go fucking demented on you hard. 🍒

"Mama are you okay?" I go into the bathroom she's in with Sam and Jen

"I can't believe that asshole hit you."

"Where's the blood coming from?"

"Her mouth."

"Her mouth she's fine."

"You have a little cut right there"

"It's in my fucking gum."

"I understand that kid is never gonna walk the earth again cause he'll be known as the kid that punching a girl in the face. The cop are gonna talk to you okay."

"I'm right here, i'm not leaving you."

"Me neither snooks." I tell her honestly as we go outside so the medical team can check her

"You get this back in your room what you can do is stick in the freezer put it back on wait twenty minutes in between you shouldn't have any swelling or anything." Walking back home

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒚 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑶𝒇 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 (Jersey Shore)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora