Naruto's training

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Four years later A four-year-old Naruto is in Japan training under Terry Bogard who is currently teaching Naruto The secrets of how to access his ki.
" Clear your mind and find your Center while focusing your Heart only on one thing," said Terry.
" The light within your soul," quoted Naruto, and as he punched the Wooden pillar he managed to release a Glowing yellow Burst of Energy when his punch connected.
" Good job Naru-chan!" Said a beautiful woman in a red ninja battle dress, her most noticeable features were her rather large assets that swayed inside said dress.

This was Mai Shiranui the heiress to The Shiranui-Ryu School of Ninjutsu.
Her fiancee was Terry's brother Andy both of whom had been watching over Naruto and his mother ever since that fateful day 4 years ago.

A beautiful woman with Bloodred hair emerald eyes, wearing a white zip-up short-sleeved blouse under a green dress stepped up and made a flexing pose.

"You well on your way to being strong like your Mom, Naruto-kun," said The woman whose name was Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze but for her safety, she went by the name Kushina Senju after her great Aunt Mito's Married name.

" Don't worry Kaa-san I'll get stronger then I'll win lots of tournaments and make my Father proud," said Naruto.

" I'm sure you will," she said giving Naruto her patented smirk and wink.

Naruto spent the majority of his time training up until he had to begin school unlike other kids Naruto didn't go to kindergarten because he was already smart enough to be a fifth grader by age Four, at age 6 he was put in the Gifted kids class but this did catch the attraction of the other bigger kids who thought themselves as tough guys.

One day.

Naruto was heading home from school when he saw three bigger boys picking on a girl he recognized as the Girl from China what was her name Fuka no Yuna no hyu- Hyuga that's it Hinata Hyuga.
He immediately ran to her aid.
" Hey, you punks get away from her!" He shouted and he landed an energized left straight to one boy's jaw before turning around and landing an elbow to one boy's gut finally the leader of the boys who he knew was the leader because he was the biggest got hit with his version of his father's famous nut cruncher his ball buster, Naruto span around as he called upon his ki which made the boys seem like they were moving slow motion as if underwater and then raising his leg and chambering his knee he pushed out his Foot behind him as naruto landed a perfectly executed spinning back kick to the boys Testies.

" Nggggghhh!!!!!" Grunted the boy before Naruto landed a powerful energized uppercut to the big boy's chin.
The two other boys decided to try and gang up on Naruto.
One boy went for a hook from the left, one a low kick from the Right.
But Naruto parried the hook with his forearm stopped the kick with his foot then let loose a backspin kick that sent both boys backwards.
Naruto dug deep and for some reason he knew what he needed to do and somehow as if by Instinct he let loose a roundhouse kick into a sweep and then a leg drop,

" Leaf hurricane!" He shouted knocking both boys to the other side of the street.
Naruto remembered the big boy.
" Heh you're not getting away with that cheap shot," said the boy.
Naruto smirked and he assumed a front stance holding his hands in the basic guard of Wing Chun he made a notion for the boy to come at him.
The boy laughed And took up a boxing stance he came at Naruto aiming a left straight at the boy's head but Naruto shifted his weight just slightly to the right leading with his head, and he parried the punch with a slapping palm before driving his elbow into the boy's left Rack of riblets.
" Ugh!" He grunted and that was all Naruto needed to finish the fight because Naruto clenched his right hand into a fist as he cocked it back at his hip stepped forward and let loose a Huge Corkscrew Style Uppercut which caught the boy by surprise especially because of the rather strong gale that it created.
" Dragon Vortex!" Shouted Naruto.
The boy's legs gave out.
" What's wrong with my legs why can't I move," said the boy.
" You've got a concussion," came a mature voice.
Naruto turned to see a tall boy in black pants with a sports jacket that had two base colors consisting of white from the chest down and red sleeves from the shoulders to the wrist the boy was wearing a black skin-tight shirt and black pants on his feet were a pair of coffee-colored shoes and black biker gloves his short slightly frizzy blond hair waved in the wind as he walked to Naruto.

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