Chapter 3: Expect the Unexpected - Unedited

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        It was an endless cycle of picking up girls in different counties, the ringing in my ears wouldn't stop and the bile in my throat wouldn't go away. My body was sore and I felt very uncomfortable in my seats. The headache I was forming earlier is probably turning into a migraine and I was hurting all over. All my life of transportation, planes had to be my least favorite. It didn't occur to me that we would be taking multiple stops to pick up the other girls for the Selection. I just assumed that we would all meet up in one spot but that wasn't the case. I practically numbed by ankles to get here on time, other girls looked like they had all day to get their hair done and slip into their "best" dress to impress the prince. When I say "best" dress, I mean that you can tell which girl is from a higher class than the rest of the girls. I can bet that the girls with diamonds around their necks are looking at me with such disgust. I'm not going to lie, it hurts to see the people around you not giving the time of day. It makes you feel less than a person, as if you aren't even human. No matter the color of your skin, what you identify, who you want to spend your life with , and or how you want to simply live your life, people would constantly judge and proceed to deem you not worth it. Now, there is nothing wrong with choosing who to hang out with, you can't simply be friends with everyone. Especially if their way of living or life is morally wrong. However, if someone is constantly rude and thinks they are better and starts to belittle people, then there will be problems. 

    So yea, I hated how these strangers can influence my feelings, but I know I won't let them have that hold on me much longer. Amira squealed with joy as she tried to get my attention to focus on the scenery that she could see through her window. Half way through our journey to the castle, Amira suggested that we should move back to the booth-like seats, so we could still see who is coming into the plane and yet we don't have to be in the way of the new girls. Amira also took note by having more space around us, it will be a signal for the other girls to come and join us. I wasn't too keen about making new friends but Amira reassured that she would do most of the talking. So I guess I'm grateful that Amira was so open to me in the beginning. Of course, it was a little bumpy but I believe that is how friendships-or even relationships- start. A little bumpy, you aren't gonna immediately understand the other, there should be boundaries to accidentally cross. I gave Amira a look of appreciation as she continued to ramble how she didn't know how to perfectly write scenery for her stories. I laughed at her frustration, knowing the struggle. 

    I heard someone slide into the seats that was in front of us and set their bag on top of the table. I looked over to see a girl carefully bunching her dress around her legs and then smooth the rest out. I looked over to Amira to see her looking back at me and then to the girl. This was the first time ever that somebody has ever sat near our booth. Most of the girls that came in ignored us and minded their own business, I didn't mind that they weren't talking to me but I could sense that it hurt Amira to see the girls walk past her and not even sparing a glance. I wondered if Amira regretted being friendly with me. She hasn't moved away from me yet and she is still making small talk with me so I honestly don't what she is feeling. Earlier, after our fifth landing she nudge me awake to ask a few questions. 

"Doesn't it bother you that these girls don't even say "hi" to us?" Amira turned to look at me while I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes. "Like, I understand this is a fight for the Prince, but it wouldn't hurt just to be friendly." 

"Well" I yawned "That is not what you did to me earlier" 

"I said I was sorry!" 

"But no, no not really, It doesn't bother me." 

"How come?"

I shrugged at her question, not knowing what she wanted me to say. I wasn't gonna force anyone to come and talk to me if they didn't want to. It's not like I'm not good with people, I just don't prefer to be in the company with people. 

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