Running C.2

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"Mr. Okonma?" The nurse yelled scanning the room.

"Yes?" I said slightly annoyed I began getting up.

"You have a phone call." She said then gestured toward the phone.

I smiled at her causing her to walk away bitch must be uncomfortable. All the nurses do that.. probably because I raped and mutilated Sarah. I try not to deny it anymore since I did do it. I picked up the phone pressing it to my ear.

"Speak." I demanded. The other person sighed.

"She's back in town I'm so sorry Ace I let her get away an-" he rushed.

"No that's perfect. I want her to the be the first thing I see when I get out she's going to die of happiness." I smiled widely. I hung up the phone and walked back to my room. I sat on the edge my bed and pulled out my notebook. I flipped to the back and I pulled out her picture. Basically tearing her apart with my eyes.

I closed the book placing the picture on my stand. I can't wait for Halloween this year. I walked back out the room and went to the activities hall. I think it's time to make my costume Halloween wouldn't be complete without one. And neither would the events that are going to unfold.


"I'm telling you you cannot release him! He's fucking dangerous he will kill everyone." I yelled into the phone. I sighed loudly as the lady from the institution hung up on me. Fucking cunt. I heard banging on the door and realized I'd locked it behind me when I ran in here. I unlocked it walking past a heated Jasper.

When I walked into the room everyone in the room was shook up. Frank and Travis were pacing and pacing. Hodgy comforting Courtney whom was probably scared to death by my out burst. I began grabbing my things I had brought in. With Riley I rushed out the door running to where I Parked the car. Before I could hop in someone touched my shoulder. Only go realize it was Travis.

"You're coming home." He said firmly. He ran to his car and within minute pulled back up to me and Riley. I put her in then myself. I could trust him right? He's like my brother. He began driving and I watched as my friends began walking to cars and following us. Maybe I was safe.

"You know we got you right? I love Tyler like a brother but this isn't okay." He said filled with anger. "You're safe."

Safe. Safe? That didn't mean shit. Not to Tyler not to me. I was screwed. I needed to leave town. I needed to run.

"No." I said loudly. "Take us to the airport Travis we have to leave. He will kill me." I begged him to turn to LAX.

"No. No more hiding and running. On Halloween this ends. You're family and we help family no matter what." He said staring at me.

"Tyler is you're family too. What happens when you have to choose sides." I said.

He didn't reply. The car ride stayed that way. Silent. I can't rely on friends. Cause when push comes to shove and he comes for me they will help him. I refuse to be the victim I also refuse to get my daughter hurt. The light was red and we were next to the subway. I glanced at Travis who was in deep thought I climbed in the backseat grabbing Riley's bag and her. He paid me no mind probably thinking I was changing her or something. The car was still. I pulled the door handle and ran.

I could hear him yelling in the distance and before I knew it me and Riley made it inside the train station. I looked around hoping a train was coming soon. I glanced at the schedules trying to decided which one to run too.

San Francisco? Barstow? Oakland? I quickly gathered our things in one swift motion and made my way to the terminal that said San Francisco. I waited with Riley and it arrived I walked in with her and our things and sat. I placed her back on my lap and she dozed off. Before I knew it the seat shifted. I looked over to see Frank.

"Mind telling me why you're going to San Francisco?" He asked looking around.

"Like I said to Travis. We have to leave its not safe." I said trying to convince him.

"Well I'm coming with you and just a heads up you're safe with us." He smiled at me.

"There's no such thing as safe when it involves Tyler. Just shut the fuck up Frank. Nothing is okay anymore. Its all turned upside fucking down!" I screamed. I earned a few glances from the other passengers. Frank sighed and put his head in his hands. I sighed as well and leaned my head against the window watching the lights pass by as we rode. Eventually falling asleep.

I glanced up. What the fuck Emily! Whey do you keep doing that? The sight of the bodies made me barf on the floor but that may have also been morning sickness. My stomach was spinning I neededwater now. I sat with my head between my knees rocking back and fourth. I could hear Tyler upstairs yelling. The door to the basement stairs opened and there he was.
"Sarah!" He shouted.

I could here the wood move forcefully under his feet as he approached me. I looked up and our eyes met. Weirdest thing was I felt comfortable in that moment until he slapped me across my face.

"Who the fuck is this nigga?!" He shouted in my face.

"What nigga!" I screamed back at him clutching my cheek.

"This one bitch." He barked throwing a piece of paper at me. I glanced down at it and realized it was that Christians number. I must've dropped it earlier.  I sighed and began to explain to Tyler when he began choking me.

"You're so lucky you're pregnant with my kid or I'd fucking hang you from the ceiling." He sounded so evil. He kissed my lips and let go of my neck and walked back up the basement stairs. Before he walked through the door and he said one more thing.

"Never forget you're mine Emily. You and that baby. Goodnight baby girl." I flinched hard as the door slammed shut.

I shot up. I had been dreaming thank god. I realized I wasn't on the train anymore. I was lying in my old bed at Travis house. I walked out my room searching for Riley and the guys and saw them standing at the front door. I walked over seeing them staring at the drive way.

I began shaking walking backwards. The driveway had writing all over it.

"Halloween hunt! The first person to find Riley wins! -T"

I ran upstairs checking all the rooms and couldn't find her. I went back to mine to make sure she wasn't there and saw a note on the window sill.

"You have til 12:00 Halloween night to find her. Good luck Emily :)"

I wonder where Riley went...
Next update coming soon enjoy the rain!

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