Chapter 41: Out of Control

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Nova's outfit:

The Avengers were on a mission in Lagos Nigeria, after reports of Rumlow being sighted there

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The Avengers were on a mission in Lagos Nigeria, after reports of Rumlow being sighted there. Nova was in a hotel room with Steve, they were observing the surrounding area and deciding on their next move. Atleast the rest of the avengers were.

"Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him." Steve spoke into his com, in response to the rest of the team fooling around.

Nova was inattentive. She gazed around the room, not involving herself in the bickering going on between the team and not being on the look out with Steve. She had been in this state for a while and everyone had gotten used to it. They didn't seem to have a problem with it since it didn't effect the way she did her job.

"Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it." Steve said looking out the window.

Nova searched her pockets for something she swore she had. She found it in her belt pocket, a tiny bottle of an alcohol she probably forgot the name of. She took it out and started drinking it. Steve turned around to see if Nova was still even there, since she had not made a sound for a while.

He was bewildered by what he saw. Nova didn't see him looking at her. He knocked the bottle out of her hand, gaining a perplexed look from her.

"What the hell, Steve?" she said furiously.

"What are you doing? You're drinking on a mission?" Steve said sternly.

"No I'm not! That was— water! It's good to stay hydrated!" she lied.

"I have a heightened sense of smell, Nova." he asserted.

"No you don't!" she shot back.

"Nova I can't even begin with you! I don't even know what's going on with you lately." he lectured.

"Oh please, don't patronise me Steve. I'm here, I do my job and I do it right. What else do you want!" she demanded, her voice slightly raised.

Steve's gaze lingered on her, she could smell the disappointment. "I just want you to be the way you were."

Before Nova could reply, Sam spoke through the coms, "That truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed." he said.

Nova watched as Steve processed the information, coming to a conclusion. "Go now!" he said. "He's not hitting the police."

They began to leave the room. "We're not done here." he asserted.

Nova rolled her eyes.

Soldiers in black armours emerged from trucks outside the institute of infectious diseases. Nova flew in along with Steve. They started fighting them off. The rest of the team arrived.

"Rumlow's on the third floor." Sam informed.

Steve looked over to Nova, "You're gonna give me a lift?" he asked. Nova used her powers to lift up Steve to the third floor. She followed him.

The floor was filled with poisonous gas. As Steve fought off the guards, in a joined effort Nova and Wanda diffused out the gas manipulating it from their powers. Once all the gas was removed she helped Steve.

The pair walked into a room to see a vial missing. "Rumlow has a biological weapon." Steve informed the rest of the team.

Steve and Nova entered the balcony. They spotted Rumlow and just then he attacked them with bombs. Nova shielded her and Steve directing the attack towards Rumlow. The two ran but one of the explosions caused them to fall out the building.

"God my head!" Nova complained.

"Is it the bombs or all that alcohol you've been drinking?" Steve said in a condescending tone.

Nova shot Steve a furious look as she got up. Heading towards the vehicle Rumlow departed in.

The four soldiers including Rumlow had headed into a local bazaar. Steve and Nova arrived there, spotting some of the gear on the ground.

"They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload." Steve spoke into the coms.

Suddenly a bomb was thrown onto Steve's shield. He threw it in the air, Nova contained the explosion creating a force field around it.

Rumlow appeared out of thin sight, "There you are you son of a bitch." he shouted at Steve. "I've been waiting for this." he said as he attacked him.

Steve fought Rumlow, neither of them had the upperhand. Till Nova entered the fight, shooting an energy pulse at Rumlow, picking him up in the air using her powers and dropping him hard on the ground. He stayed defeated, on his knees.

Steve went to confront him, "Who's your buyer?"

"You know, he knew you. You pal, your buddy, your Bucky." he said. Steve and Nova looked at eachother, the mention of his name irking them.

"What did you say?" Steve asked, perplexed.

"He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender." Nova fisted her hands. "He wanted you to know something. He said to me, "Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go, you gotta go." And you're coming with me." Rumlow activated a bomb in his chest, Steve was distracted unable to do anything about it.

All Nova could think to do was create a forcefield around Rumlow, containing the explosion for only a moment, but it was too big to contain. Nova screamed as she tried to pull her strength.

Wanda arrived, lifting him into the air before losing control, and the explosion finally blossomed, devastating entire floors of a nearby office building. Nova fell to the ground, her mouth gaped open as she stared into the explosion.

She had failed.

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