Never Be Alone 7

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(A/N) All the chapters I saved as drafts disappeared, but I sent them to my friend , so greatful , but now they might have random titles. I'm sorry it's bold when I copy and paste it comes out bold this is terrible.

I cried a little writing this chapter

It's been 8 days since the accident, he's been in a coma since then and seized twice.

I figured I'd make his room feel more like home, and went to the shop and printed some pictures of his family and of us like one from when we where 13, the year we joined a soccer team together and the last christmas we had spent together, our grade 10 dance and a selfie we had taken together and framed them and put them on the table on his bedside.

The doctors considered moving him to a Cape Town hospital, as we all lived there but had taken it as to much of a risk to his health and safety.

I spent my first night in a real bed last night, I had gone to my mom's cousins house and slept there well tried to sleep, must have had like 3 hours.

I went back to the hospital at 9 and have been sitting in his room the whole time, the doctors suspect he's going to wake up in the next 2 days.

*Graysons POV*

Laying in the field has become excruciatingly boring , these bugs have started appearing and every so often the meadow disappears and a flash of bright light comes through. Allie keeps disappearing and reappearing but nothing else is here.

I closed my eyes as tightly as I possibly could going into complete darkness and opening them suddenly and the white flash appeared again ,except this time it stayed there , someone was holding my hand, I heard that someone say something and then shout, I tried to speak again but couldn't. A man in a white coat came running in and 2 ladies wearing blue.

The man identified himself as Doctor Murray and a nurse removed tubes from my nose and the mask from my mouth. The Doctor asked if I knew my name I replied , "Grayson". A look of concern appeared on his face. "Can you repeat that please , "Grayson", I replied.

Somebody was pleading in the distance, was it Allie? Or my parents? I wanted to see them, I tried asking the doctor "Where is Allie, can I see her?"

The doctor turned towards the nurse who was still in the room she nodded and left the room.

*Allies POV*

I tried pleading with the nurse to let me see him but they wouldn't , we where all waiting outside his room and a nurse scurried out, she appeared in a rush. The doctor came out a few minutes later and told us everything appeared fine except that he couldn't speak properly and that you could vaguely understand him. However said we could go in but not all at once.

His parents went in first and came back with looks of slight happiness but still sadness and concern.

I went in alo"ne and as I looked at him you could see the brightness in his eyes, his wide green eyed gaze brought an instant smile to me. I went up to him and kissed his forehead and sat down on the seat next to his bed and reached for his hand and he squeezed it gently.

"You know what happened right? Do you remember? Did they tell you?"

"Dey t-owel Glayson"

I tried not to cry but a tear slipped out.He to his hand and wiped the tear away then placed it back on my hand.

"Shwy Allie cwy? "

"I missed you Gray"

"I-I missed ew to"

"Hey look here, while you where in the coma, I went to the shop and printed these" I showed him the pictures and that's when tears escaped his eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

"Allie ish bwutifuwl."

The Galaxy of StarsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя