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So it turns out that yes it was a terrorist attack but since they used fake ids and got past security a bunch of people involved the the crash got together and decided to sue the airline so that everybody that was mentally or physically hurt gets paid out.  I was asked to speak at the hearing a couple of weeks ago and here I am again retelling the story of my encounter with death on live tv.

"Mr Grayson  Jenkins please tell us your side of the story"

" I was on the right side of the plane, an aisle seat, we knew the plane was going to crash minutes before the terrorists had told us what was happening and told us to remain quiet or they would shoot us. One guy pleaded with them, said he had kids, they shot him. I'll never forget that picture. "
I started to tear up and my voice became shaky, I looked at Allie and she nodded her head and mouthed "It's okay , try your best"

"The plane hit the tower on the left side and the left side of my body was crushed on impact , I could barely move. The roof was slashed open and you could here the screams of pain coming from men, woman and children. The top of the  tower began to fall and the plane tilted slightly before falling to the ground, its tail first, there was smoke which meant there was  fire, I tried to get out but  couldn't , there was blood, alot of it. I was sure I was going to die that I'd never see her again."

"Thank you Mr Jenkins can you please tell us what problems this caused you medically"

"Well Sir, I was in a coma for a numerous amount of days , i seized twice and I broke my collarbone and my leg in a few places which left me wheelchair bound for some time.  I lost the ability to pronounce words correctly but this I gained back gradually. I now have to repeat my last year of school as well."

"Thank you,I understand you live in Malaysia  can you please tell us why you where in south africa "?

"Well sir , I used to live in south africa but my parents got work in Malaysia and so we moved there, I came back to visit my girlfriend, who lives in cape town. And she  the plane crashed I was unable to return to Malaysia and  my girlfriends parent let me stay with them till I had recovered. I now live in cape town"

"Thank you Mr Jenkins you may return to your seat"

I got out of my seat and walked to Allie "Can we please leave, I  can't sit here any longer"?

"Yes of course come on", she took my hand and we walked out the door , Allie stopped and hugged me, I put my arms round her and  she rested her head and my shoulder and  whispered "You are so brave Gray" and kissed my cheek. We stood there for a couple of minutes before walking outside to Allies car.

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