004 ♔ Nigaah-e-Gaiz

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"Siddiqui, you'll pay for every pain you've caused me!" Pratap Thakur's voice, though strained and ragged, resonated with a vicious fury. He coughed violently, spewing a thick stream of blood that splattered onto the cold, hard ground.

Pratap Thakur, one of the notorious Thakur Brothers' younger cousins, had orchestrated the plan to use their sweet cousin, Pragati, to seduce Farhan. It hadn't been a tough task to pluck this miserable leech out of their haven.

The Thakur Brothers had been the faithful muscle for the Qureshis in Lucknow for years. So dedicated were they that they wouldn't even bat an eye at eating dog food if the Qureshis barked the order. But Akbal Qureshi, the eldest, craved one thing and one thing only: the immense power that came with the title of Nawab of Sehribad. The wealth and connections it offered were too much to ignore.

And that had caused a lot of damage to Farhan. Years of relentless searching, fueled by whispers from trusted sources, finally revealed the horrifying truth: a meticulously planned attack, orchestrated by none other than Akbal Qureshi, had been meant to eliminate all five of them. Farhan, by a stroke of luck, had not only survived but managed to shield his two younger siblings.

After the tragedy, his aunt Samina had shouldered the burden, a shield for him and his helpless siblings. They'd been hidden away; their lives on hold... All because Farhan hadn't been ready. Not ready to be Nawab, not ready to face the vipers circling the family legacy. His siblings remained ghosts, their safety paramount. Once he had taken the title, those motherfuckers, the Qureshis and their lapdog Thakurs, couldn't leave well enough alone. They poked and prodded, trespassing where they had no business. Farhan had endured, but his patience had a limit. And he'd reached it. They'd forced his hand, and now they'd pay.

With a malevolent grin, he pinned Pratap against the wall as his men held Pratap's body, his eyes reflecting the cold calculation of his next steps.

"Let me be clear." Farhan's voice grew low and menacing. "You have a go at me, fair play. But if you even think about getting close to Ayub or Yasmin... I'll hunt each one of you down and make you suffer in ways you can't even begin to imagine."

Pratap laughed maniacally, "You have no idea who you're up against."

"We will see that."

Farhan's method of torture was both methodical and horrifying. He ordered his men to bind Pratap's hands and feet tightly, ensuring there was no chance of escape. Farhan then approached with a pair of rusted pliers, his eyes glinting with sadistic delight. With chilling precision, he began to pluck Pratap's nails one by one, each extraction accompanied by a sickening crunch. Blood oozed from the nail beds, and the raw flesh underneath was exposed to the air, intensifying the pain.

Pratap's screams grew more desperate with each nail, echoing through the room, but they only fueled Farhan's resolve. He wanted Pratap to suffer, to feel every ounce of his wrath. As he pulled each nail, Farhan leaned in close, whispering vengeful messages, his voice dripping with malice and the promise of more pain to come.

Farhan's objective was clear: Pragati's death had been too ordinary, too inconsequential to instill fear in the Thakur Brothers. He knew that a simple death would not suffice; he needed to send a message. He sought something that would haunt their dreams. And what better target than their most vulnerable yet beloved pawn?

As the hours dragged agonizingly on, Farhan's torture tactics intensified to a grisly crescendo. Moving beyond the nails, he wielded sharp, serrated tools to carve deep, gory lacerations across Pratap's trembling form. Each slice brought forth fresh torrents of blood, mingling with the acrid tang of sweat saturating the air. Pratap's screams reverberated off the walls, a symphony of torment that only fueled Farhan's unwavering determination. He knew that the Thakur Brothers would soon discover the interesting scene he left behind, and when they did, the message would be unmistakable.

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