Chapter 1

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I had to stop at my locker to grab my Spanish textbook. I hate Spanish, I wish it would just stay in Mexico where it belongs. But sadly, the school system does not grant wishes. On my way to class, I stopped by the massive hoard of cheerleaders and fished my boyfriend out of the middle.

"Hey, baby." He said, kissing me. He looked down at the book in my hands. "Ew, Spanish. I forgot we have that this semester."

The two of us had strategically picked classes so we would be together, so he was stuck in drama with me, and I was stuck in PE with him. We were walking to class quickly, determined not to sit in the front of the class. I definitely didn't want Mrs. Rodriguez staring me down with her hawk eyes all semester.

We walked in and found two perfect seats at the back. We sat down together and were waiting for class to begin.

"Hey, Quinn!" Reid Cooney, a total idiot in my opinion, yelled at my boyfriend. "I see you're still with this babe." He threw a jock-nod in my direction. "Nice one, bro."

I watched Reid walk away with a disgusted expression on my face. "I think... he may be the most annoying person on the planet."

Quinn gave me a look. "Be nice, Amelia. He's a good guy."

I laughed. "'Good' isn't the word I'd use."

Quinn opened his mouth to object, but the bell cut him off. Mrs. Rodriguez stood up and waddled to the front of the class to begin her "first day of school" speech. No one listened. I was looking her up and down, trying to estimate the amount of weight she gained since she taught junior biology.

"Twenty four pounds." I whispered to myself. Quinn heard and laughed, knowing exactly what I meant. It's a game I played with everyone, not just teachers.

Mrs. Rodriguez started her attendance. "Penelope Avalos." She called out in a monotone voice. I perked my head up and looked for Penelope's raised hand. I spotted her by the window. I didn't know she was going to be in Spanish with us, but it works out for me. Now I won't have to rely on Quinn for homework help, because he is worse than I am.

I felt a vibration run through my body. I assumed it was my phone, but I glanced sideways and saw Quinn texting at record speed. I felt another pulsation and realized that Quinn was texting me. I looked down discreetly and read.

Q: Stratton is stuck in history with Murphy

A: Oh good Lord. That boy needs all the help he can get

We sat back and chuckled lightly, so as not to be heard. I made sure no one was watching. Mrs. Rodriguez was busy fiddling with the printer, a hopeless cause, since even Quinn can't fix that piece of shit, so I took that as my cue.

A: So what's up with Strat. He and Bailey are coming up on 2 yrs.

Q: You don't know??

A: What?????

Q: They broke up last night. Huge blowout. He called her shallow and said she has "deranged priorities".


Q: Woah. I forgot.

I cursed my boyfriend's stupidity. This event is more important that he could ever understand. I need to tell Penelope, but not yet. This is face to face news, not phone news.

Stratton and Quinn have been best friends forever, just like me and Nell. When I started dating Quinn in sophomore year, I became friends with Stratton, and Penelope became friends with Quinn, but the friendship stopped there. Penelope and Strat have been next door neighbors since they were born, but they aren't close. They are acquainted, but that's mainly my doing. Anyway, Penelope has liked Stratton since before I could remember. She manages to keep it subtle, especially when Quinn is around, but I know what happens inside her head. I'm pretty sure Stratton is the reason she listens to that teeny-bopper shit music. If I find out I'm right, I am going to smack him so hard.

Stratton has been dating Princess Bailey since before I met him, so Penelope never even had a shot. She didn't seem like his type, according to Quinn, he only dates cheerleaders, but I always have faith in Penelope.

As different as Stratton and Nell are, they are also quite similar. Stratton is popular, but doesn't act like it, unlike Ryan DeMartino: super star quarterback and super star ass. Penelope and Stratton are both humble, and modest, but have that slight badass streak. I once tried explaining this to her.

"He's never going to like me," Nell had said, her head hanging down like a little puppy, "we are so different."

"No you aren't, Penelope," I had scoffed at her childish admission of feelings. We argued on the point for quite some time before I said, "Why do you think I like you both? It's because you are the same person."

This stumped her. I'm pretty sure she is still stumped by that point. I noticed something in Nell after that day, she seemed lighter, a little happier. I like to think I filled her with some hope.

The rest of the class was spent picking up textbooks and learning basic verbs. I, obviously, did none of this. I spent my time running scenarios, a habit of mine. I thought of all the ways a Stratton/Penelope relationship would go over, good and bad. I even imagined one where they never got together and there was this lingering feeling of missed opportunity forever. I didn't like that one.

The bell rang and I got up. Despite being seated at the back, I was the first one out the door. Quinn called after me, but I was running as fast as I could. I didn't know which class I had next, but it didn't matter. Amelia Cartell being late for class was not unusual, people get confused when I show up on time. I ran, literally ran, all over the school. I checked the cafeteria, his locker, his old classrooms, even the boys' locker room. Finally I decided to check the only place he could possibly be: the men's room. I didn't hesitate, I just walked in. I'd be lying if I said that was the first time I'd barged in there. Just like I expected, I saw Stratton. He washing his hands. I was thankful that the only thing in his hands at that moment was soap. I walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder. He turned to look at me. His eyes were soft, like he was looking at something with severe admiration, but I could see through him.

"Hey Trick, what's -- ooh." I cut him off by hugging him forcefully. He had all the tell-tale signs: mock happiness, way too much relaxation, and the fact that he didn't even question why I was hugging him in the boys bathroom. I felt, rather than saw, the mask melt off him. Despite how much I hate Bailey, and how much of a materialistic, ditzy bitch she is, Stratton loved her. You don't stay with someone for two years if you don't love them.

The bell rang, signalling the start of second period. Stratton smiled at me, it was the most pathetic fake smile I have ever seen. He exhaled shakily and ran a hand through his slightly-too-long brown hair. "I don't want to be here," he said with a slight chuckle.

I gave him my most sympathetic look, which was mediocre at best. "Come on." I grabbed him by the wrist and led him into the hall.

"What are we doing?" He asked in a monotone voice, like he didn't care about anything.

I smiled up at him, genuinely excited. "Not being here."

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