Chapter 2

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"No, Amelia, I can't turn it off." Stratton was holding his phone above his head, well out of my reach.

"Who would need to get ahold of you? No one important will call you."

"Yes, they will."

I gave him my best look and scoffed. He started listing. "My mom, for example, Quinn, Bail--" he flinched and cursed. He chuckled, "I was trying to name anyone else." He lowered his hand and handed me his phone. I turned it off and shoved it in my back pocket.

We stood awkwardly in the street for a while before I spoke. "I want a taco."

Stratton looked at me, an accusing look in his eyes. I could see the rage bubbling under the surface, waiting for its opportunity to emerge. "I'm having a complete mental and emotional breakdown and you want a taco?" I thought he was about to explode, but he thought for a moment. "I want a fucking taco," he said laughing.

We walked to Taco Bell. I hadn't turned off my phone, in case there was some sort of emergency, so I had to feel the vibrations of Quinn texting me over and over. I ignored him. Stratton and I ordered, and sat down with our greasy excuse for food.

After a few moments of silence, Stratton spoke. "What's it like to fuck Quinn?" I coughed and choked on my food. Stratton ignored the fact that I was dying, and continued. "On a scale of one to ten," he said, mouth full of nasty taco, "one being a potato, ten being Lindsay Lohan, but with a penis."

"Lindsay Lohan?" I asked, questioning his choice of perfection.

"Yeah," he replied, taking another disgusting bite, "I always imagined her being really crazy and wild. She'd do all this crazy shit with her body--" he twisted his fingers around to demonstrate.

"I got it," I said, putting up my hand to stop him. He laughed.

We finished our "food" and left the restaurant. We were passing a gas station when Stratton stopped me. He didn't say a word, he just left me on the street and walked into the station. I didn't have to ask, I knew what he was getting. He walked out a few moments later, cigarette already lit. He walked back over to me and stuck the rest of the pack in his back pocket. I gave him an accusing look.

He just shrugged. "If there was ever a time to start again, it's now."

We had all started smoking a couple years ago, with the obvious exception of Penelope. None of us knew why we did it. It wasn't because we thought it was cool, we aren't that stupid. It just seemed like a simple way to pass the time. Some of us got more hooked than others, like Quinn. He smoked the longest, and it was hard for him to quit. He has an addictive personality, he doesn't like change. Stratton and I never really smoked. We did it socially, at parties and such, but we never got addicted like the others. But it definitely relieved stress. I had to agree with Stratton, this was the time.

"Give me one," I said, fishing the lighter out of his jacket pocket. I lit it and inhaled. I never thought it felt great, but it was a comforting, familiar feeling. "Quinn is going to kill me," I said, laughing. As if on cue, my phone vibrated. Quinn.

Q: Where the hell are you guys?!!?!?

A: Meet at lot

Stratton and I began our short walk back to the school. We saw Quinn as we enter the parking lot. It was almost half empty, since most people drive across town for lunch. Quinn walked over and kissed me. He pulled away, his face slightly puzzled.

"Did you smoke?" He asked me. I shrugged, playing innocent. He scoffed and put his arm around me.

"Can I have my phone back?" Stratton asked, trailing slightly behind us. I shook my head, still looking ahead. I texted Penelope and told her to meet us outside. Neither of us really eat lunch, not for any dieting reasons, we are just too lazy to bring food. Quinn eats every second of the day except lunchtime, so he's set. Stratton usually went out with Bailey for lunch, but that obviously wasn't happening, so he stuck with us.

When Nell finally showed up, I pulled her aside. "Did you hear?" I asked like it was obvious, which it was.

She was clueless. "Hear what?"

I rolled my eyes at her. Typical Penelope. "Are you kidding me? The entire school knows, even the freshmen, and they literally just got here this morning."

"Knows what? You still haven't told me."

"Stratton dumped Bailey." I looked at her expectantly, like a child on Christmas.

She looked back at Stratton. Quinn was talking to him, but he wasn't paying attention. He was staring at the sky, probably falling asleep. Penelope looked back at me. "That sucks," she said sadly, "They were cute."

I was shocked. "Are you kidding me?! Stratton Headley is single, you idiot. This is your chance."

Penelope laughed quietly. "Yeah, right. I don't think I'm his type. He seems to go for the ditzy blonde ones."

How did she not understand. "That's exactly the point! He wants the opposite of that, he's done with the cheerleaders. He wants someone else. Someone like you." I poked her in the chest to emphasize my point.

She looked at me, her little puppy dog eyes processing the information. "Really?"

"Yes!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air.

My volume attracted the boys' attention. "Everything okay over there?" Quinn asked. Stratton barely moved. Rather than answering, we sat down next to them. There was a slight breeze coming off the ocean, making the leftover summer heat bearable. It was one of the few hot days we got in Oregon that wasn't overcast. I sat in between Quinn and Stratton, forcing Nell to do the same. She knew what I was doing and glared at me.

When the bell rang we all got up. Quinn had to hit Stratton, because he was asleep, as I thought. We all walked to math, a class the four of us have together. We sat at the back, like we always do, and waited for the annoying teacher to take attendance. We have a standard routine in class. Penelope actually pays attention, mostly. Quinn watches YouTube videos or Netflix. Stratton sleeps, he knows all this stuff anyway, fucking genius. And I text anyone and everyone.

As an added bonus, Bailey was sitting two rows in front of us. I have always hated her, and she knows it. I haven't told Stratton how I feel, but I assume he can tell we aren't fond of each other. I can't stand the way she acts so nice. I'm a bitch, I'll admit it. I've been told by many people that I have a severe medical condition, they call it Chronic Bitch Face. But I accept that and I show it. I don't parade around pretending to be an innocent little princess who needs to be rescued, unlike a certain blonde bimbo. She is so passive-aggressive, I'm just aggressive.

Every once in a while, Bailey would turn around to look at Stratton. He didn't notice, being unconscious and all, but I did. I didn't call her out on it, I just silently judged her, smiling knowing that I'm better than her. Chronic Bitch, I know. I can't help it, winning is too fun.

Bailey being single is a major event. It puts her way down on the social hierarchy, still high, but not number one. This won't affect Stratton, he doesn't care about status, which makes him all the more likable. I have always been at the top, but not for the same reasons. I'm not a girly cheerleader who drinks wine coolers and gets knocked on her ass after half a drink. I'm one of the guys. I smoke, I drink beer, and I do stupid things I'll regret later. I eat tons of food and don't get fat, I like being covered in mud, and I don't care about the future. I'm only a cheerleader because I'm good at it and it looks good on my transcript.

Then there's Quinn. Quinn is on a whole other level. Everyone knows who he is, and everyone likes him, but doesn't care in the least. He likes to surf, drink beer, and smoke pot. He is not a complex guy. He is too chill for high school drama. Quinn has a catchphrase, for lack of a better term. Anytime someone is freaking out, Quinn just says, "Bro, chill." And it works, oddly enough. We all chill. It's pretty cool. Penelope and I have conspiracies that Quinn is some ancient stoner shaman from a million years ago, but we have no proof. Yet.

A: Nell and Strat

Q: love it. slowly but surely

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