please please please :AVA:-Chapter-7

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Ava .
Please please please


“alex” I moaned
Finally this is what I asked for 3 fucking years!!, I needed sex so badly, and that a part of me is telling me that this isn't right.. this isn't right at all, fucking my brothers bestfriend, Alex's fingers thrusting inside me , I cummed in his finger, he slowly pulled his finger out and sucked his fingers while having eye contact with me, he leaned to one of my nipples and licked it, he just made my nipple wet just like my pussy..
“gosh ava I fucking need you, I fucking want you, when I fucking know your mine”
“oh my god” I moaned
He's gonna fuck his way to heaven..
“pixie if your gonna be moaning god's name .. he won't be able to save you from this, he won't be able to save you from me.”

“alex!, baby please fuck me!”
He licked my nipples and sucked them, giving the other jealous nipple the same attention,
“Let a man touch you ava. I'll cut of his eyes so he won't be able to looked at you, or admire you, I would fucking cut of his lips so he can't mummer a single sentence of your name. And I'll cut of his dick so he can't fuck you, I'll cut of his legs, so he can't walk over to you, and you?, I'll break your fucking vagina if you let a man touch you” his hand closed my throat , he finally entered me, I moaned and moaned
“Understood?, Ava?.”
I moaned.
“yes Alex..”
“Good.”, he fucked me so hard that the bed is crashing the fucking the wall!.
I moaned and moaned, a night with pleasure and pain.

“Your dick doesn't seem to mind my mouth.. suit daddy”...
“Gosh ava you fucking drive me wild.”.
“Good..” I moaned
“i hate how you feel so fucking good..” I said ..
“you'll hate it even more when u create sweet little demon baby's with me” I moaned at his words.
Alex's cock deepened inside me.
“Gosh those beautiful nipples of yours ..ava” he leaned down to capture one of my nipple.., his hand caressing my tits while he sucked one of my nipples. My mouth a bit open
“alex..” I moaned his name
He slowly got out of me, and licked my wet va vagina..
I moaned ..
My pussy tickled , his tounge sucked on my clit..
I moaned and moaned
“alex.. a..ah”.
“you taste so sweet ava” he leaned to my face
“my turn”. He grabbed my wrists tigthly
“Why?, you went down there lots of time now my turn” I let out a sob
“No Ava”
“please please please” I begged
I pouted
“Not fair , I'm going down the-”
“Im Not Done With You Yet” Alex said in a deep cold voice.
..................                                                   ............
THIS CHAPTER ENDS HERE, NEXT CHAPTERS NAME IS ‘im not done with you yet’ enjoy the story!!

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