Hilda Jack

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I was greatly in awe. I mean, scientists thought time machines and teleportation was impossible. I looked down at the pen. 'Could the pen have caused everything?' I thought. Then, I remembered I had to return my paper to the teacher. "Here you go, a full essay on George Washington and the cherry tree." Then, David came to the desk. Ever since 3rd grade, I've had a crush on him. I gave a love glance at him. He said," I did my essay on George in the war which he became president in." We handed our papers to Miss Geminia. Then, the bell rang. We had to go to the next class. David said," Bye. See you later." "Ok..." I said. After school I saw a new pot in my yard. A weed was out of place, so I pulled it. It wouldn't come out, and I pulled even harder. It felt like there was an anvil on the end. Soon, a stairway opened up. I hesitated. 'What if it's a trap?' I asked myself. 'Only one way to find out.' I started walking. Soon, the door shut down! I could only see the light at the end. 'This is getting creepy' I thought. I continued down the stairs. At the end was a person, apparently meditating. "I sensed you coming," He said. He continued," I know you have the Pen of Wrathgar Senial. It has magical powers only a true Senial can control. You are a Senial, and will learn all of the Pen's secrets. The Pen is not the only magical item. You must also get all the items to stop evil. I am Hilda Jack, and I sense I will see you again." Then, he disappeared out of nowhere.

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