iii. Wildfire

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He was a match that makes
A fire that could burn
A forest that's inhibited
By me that was manic.

We were something that can't
Meet, as we are opposites.
I lived in the heart of the forest,
He lived in the heart of the desert

But the sand meets the trees
Somewhere else from them it's hidden.
As the desert's breeze meets the
Skin of ours, it starts a fire

He was a match in a forest
Something is bound to happen.
As our lips collide, it started
A wildfire that kills that desire.

My beloved friends were devoured
In a blaze that I started.
I never extinguished the wildfire
As it gave a purpose for my life.

But as a mere match, he gave up
Fire of ours burned his desire
It wasn't as strong as it seemed
Like a wildfire, it was temporary

Like a wildfire, we burned too fast
Like a wildfire, we burned my home
Like a wildfire, we faded along our memories

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