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HI GUYS! SHH, IT HAS ONLY BEEN A WEEK, I SWEAR. SUMMER IS... WOW. How is your summer going guys? Mine has been busy. Just got back from a trip up north, and I am making my friend a feferi skirt. and myself a kanaya skirt.BUT GUESS WHAT?!?!? I AM DOING A FUCKIN UPDATE HOLY SHIT. YASS. OH! and just wanted to say... LOVE WINS! I am in a really good mood right now. i DUNNO. ALSO, I AM MAKING A NEW xWHO.I got swamped in the last one.. But I am making a new one. but you have to inbox me, not comment. WWHATEVVER. Now, onto the story.

---------------------------------------------------------glub-----------------------------------------------------------                                Josilyn was five minutes into her walk through the woods, and she heard something. She froze, and ducked into shadows by a tree. She heard a low growl, and felt the blood drain from her cheeks. That was not who she was looking for. The sound was demonic. She heard the thing, whatever it was, get closer. In the dark of night, she couldnt see where it was. But she could make an estimated guess by the heavy breathing of it.

nd her guess? That it was right on the other fucking side of the tree. She could hear the heavy snort in the things breath. The low growl coming from the thing. Then, just as the thing was about to rear its ugly head, it turned and ran. Josilyn let out the breath she didnt know she was holding. And she ran. She ran towards what she thought was the direction she came in.

 Funny thing about that was that she never passed the stream. The stream that she had just managed to fall into. Josilyn stood herself up, and climbed out of the stream. SHe stood on the bank for a minute before falling against a tree. She sighed, and blew a piece of hair from her face. Then laughed. She laughed for a solid 40 seconds, before standing, and wringing out her hair.

 She then turned away from the stream, and went back in the direction she had come from. She ran, as fast as her legs could carry her, because she was done with the woods's shit. She was running basically blinded by her rush of adrenaline. Nothing could stop her speed. Then, she was stopped. By whatever the hell she just ran into. She looked up, slowly, and prayed that it would be the thing that was probably gonna kill her earlier.

 But it wasnt. She looked up, and despite the dark of night, she could make out the shape of a boy. But she could clearly see his eyes. The red pupils. SHe sighed, and stood. Ben, hey.. I-

She was cut off from what she was going to say by a punch. to the side of her face. And the last thing she heard before going out completely was "You are fucking stupid for coming in these woods" And then

She was out.


Thats the update! I TRIED SHHHH. IDK when the next update will be. but wwhatevver. i will update. dont forget about the xwho. message, not comment. ALSO. I need somebody to bug me on facebook when I forget to update. And talk to. so somebody that could do that would be just great!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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