Knives under Pillows

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So so so sorry readers, I can't say how sorry I am. I have clinical depression, and just have not had the energy to update, I am so sorry. Like, I, just, ugh. I am sorry. Please understand that. But I am updating now.


Josilyn sat in her room. Her mom had left her room, and Josilyn was stressed over all of what had happened. She went to take a shower, and spent about an hour in the shower. When she got out, after getting dressed, it was then that she realized how tired she was, so she lied down and go to slep. Two hours later, her laptop woke her up. Josilyn was always a light sleeper. She walked to her laptop, and saw a message from the Internet, from


Josilyn: Isn't that the website that was being creepy a week ago?


The message read "I am coming"


Josilyn read the message, and paled at the threatening tone of the message. She took a breath, and she did not go running to her mothers room like she wanted to. She most certainly did not want to tell her mom. Josilyn knew her mother would think her insane, and decided to keep the drama to herself. So instead, Josilyn went to the kitchen, and grabbed a knife. She went back up to her room, and closed her laptop. She put the knife under her pillow, and tried to go back to sleep. She was facing away from her tv, towards her window. She heard a strange, technical sound coming from her tv, but did not turn, she could not. She heard another person, in her room, breathing, stalking towards her. Her unknown stalker sat on the bed, obviously not knowing that Josilyn was awake. He raised a sword, the shadow of the sword cast across the room by the window.


???: I really hate to do this, but the boss said I had to. It really is not your fault. But hey, you have met with a terrible fate haven't you?


Josilyn: NO! I HAVE NOT!


While her stalker was talking, Josilyn had reached for the knife under her pillow, and grabbed it,still acting asleep. She listened to what he was saying, and realized his plan. She freakd out, and yelled her reply, wielding the knife.


Josilyn: I most certainly HAVE NOT MET MY FATE!


Josilyn took the knife, and stabbed the would-be murderer in his shoulder, and the boy jumped back, towards the TV.


???: GAH!


The boy went to the tv, and turned around.


???: you know, I really did not even want to attempt that, but, I guess I had to. And you can have your knife back.


The Boy started to phase into the tv, until just his face was showing. Josilyn, was sitting there in complete horror that the boy was to even reacting to the knife in his shoulder, and with her mouth agape, unable to say anything, was just watching the strange phenomenon.


???: don't bother calling the cops, either, they won't be able to help. Oh, and my name is Ben.


Josilyn found her voice again.


Josilyn: wait, Ben, I- why?


Ben: shh, just know that I did not want to do it. I will be seeing you in your dreams, Josilyn.


Ben then was completly gone, and Josilyn sat there, wondering so many things. This was the boy that saved her not too long ago from the little girl, but he just was about to kill her. With a sword. A GODDAMN SWORD. Then he faded through the TV. Josilyn was wondering if it was an all-too realistic dream, or if she really did almost just die.





So my crazies, what did you think? I am sorry it was not a long chapter, but my chapters are not usually that long. I am sorry about falling off the far off the earth for the past few weeks, it is just, ugh. I am so sorry. Till the next update my crazies, goodbye.

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