☆・Chapter 6・☆

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I sit on my bed with the "Triax" being in front of me. Huh, this dude wasn't kidding. I already tried to bring water out of the air but it didn't work. Maybe I still have to learn? But Azulon said something about contacting him with the Triax, by just staring at it. I don't know how I'm ever going to keep this hidden. But an easy excuse is just saying "A friend gave this to me as a present" or "I found it". But I'm pretty sure no one will get stuff from the ground, or do they? Well, I don't really know what to say or ask. Maybe I could ask him to teach me more. I wonder how I'll do that, but I'll find some way. I stared at it for like 30 seconds and soon enough I see the face of Azulon again.

"Heyy y/n!! Didn't think you'd call!", he waves.


"Yeah, well anyway. What is it?"

"Um, I wanted to ask. Can you also control water from the air? Because in the air water..you know."

"Yeah yeah I know. It works though. But you probably have rarely used it, so it might take some time. I guess you gotta practice."

Well that answers my questions. I really thought I'd be able to just, do it, without any difficulty. But humans aren't really used to this kinda thing, so it makes sense. In a way, but overall, nothing really makes sense.

"Okay, I've thought of that. So, how do I get better? And I don't understand why I need this sort of 'upgrade'. Like, I'm not living in some sort of cartoon war where I use my power to fight. I just think it's kinda useless.", I explain to him.

"Although I find it cool, I just don't think that you gave me this power for no reason at all. There has to be a catch or a twist or—"

"Or you're just crazy.", he says, interrupting me.

"Or maybe that, yeah.", I mumble, there could be a high chance I'm actually crazy.

"Okay I was just joking. You're not crazy, but you don't have to worry. I gave you those powers because I wanted to. There is definitely no twists, conditions nor a catch.", he reassures me.

Something just feels odd about the way he speaks. But so far, nothing really bad happened except me bumping into or spilling things.

"So if that's the case, could I ask some other questions that don't have to do anything with my power? I mean, I know you basically told me the important part last night. But I'd still like to know more..", I already have a bunch of questions.

Okay, that was a figure of speech. I don't really have that many questions because I either forget them or feel embarrassed to ask. Realistically though, I have two questions and already asked the first one. 

"Well then, ask away."

"So, how is your home in Andromeda like?", I ask, scratching my nape. I mean, who wouldn't wanna know how people, or rather aliens, live on anything besides earth? I'm quite curious.

"Well, we just live how we live. I guess one thing you should know is that our life span is like way longer than yours and our day is as long as twenty-nine earth hours. Although it doesn't have to do much with where I live. Oh and andromeda is just the galaxy I'm in. I live in Medora, a planet."

"Wow, that's...cool.", I can't really express my thought on this but it's still really surprising to me. Never really heard of 'Medora' though.

"You know, you could come visit me."

I freeze and stare at him, I could go? That's not possible, although depending on everything that has happened now. It seems possible.

But what will I even do there? And how will I go there? What will my mom say? Do I even want to go?

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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