Judging Guidelines

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Round 1

The judge will read one chapter of all entries.  They will answer the following questions about each nomination:

1) Does the story make you want to know what happens next?

2) Do you feel a connection to the main character?

3) Would you put this on your reading list?

Then the nominations will be ranked numerically starting with the judges 1st choice and proceeding to last choice. 

The bottom three nominations will be eliminated and the remaining nominations will pass to round 2

Round 2 

The judge will read 2 additional chapters of each nominations and provide a score based on the following criterias.

ONE: Character development -15 pts

1) How effectively does the author portray the protagonist's growth or change throughout the narrative?

2) Are the motivations and actions of the main characters consistent and well-explained within the context of the story?

3) Are the characters' decisions and behaviors are logically derived from their established backgrounds, traits, and circumstances, ensuring that their actions are credible and relatable.

4) How well does the dialogue reveal the unique personalities and inner lives of the characters?

5) Do secondary characters contribute significantly to the protagonist's development and the overall plot? 

TWO - Plot - 15 pts

1) Is the plot engaging and well-paced?(not too slow that you lose interest - not too fast that you are confused with what is going on)

2) Does the story maintain your interest from beginning to end of the chapters read?

3) Are the major plot points and twists logically developed and hinted at in the chapters read?

4) Are their subplots and if so how well are they integrated with the main plot and do they enhance the overall story? 

THREE - Originality - 15 pts

1) How uniquely does the story approach its central theme and concepts compared to other works in the same genre?

2) Does the story feature distinctive and memorable settings, characters or plot device that stands out as innovative?

3) How effectively does the story turn common tropes on their heads, offering surprising and thought-provoking alternatives?

FOUR - Writing style - 15 pts

1) How well does the author use language to create vivid and immersive descriptions that enhance the reader's experience?

2) It the narrative voice distinctive and consistent, contributing to the overall tone and mood of the story?

3) How effectively does the author balance dialogue, exposition, and action to maintain the story's pace and flow?

4) Does the author's use of literary devices such as Metaphors, Similes and Symbolism add depth and layers of meaning to the story?

FIVE - Details and Descriptions - 10 pts

1) Does the author use sensory details to create a vivid and immersive world for the reader?

2) Are the descriptions of characters, settings and events detailed and specific? Do they contribute to the overall realism and believability of the story?

3) Does the author strike a balance providing the right amount of description and avoiding slowing the story down by over description?

4) How well do the descriptive elements enhance the theme and mood of the story, reinforcing the underlying messages and emotional tone?

 SIX - First impressions - 10 pts

1) Does the opening scene effectively capture the reader's attention and set the tone of the story?

2) How well does the author introduce the main characters and settings in the initial chapter by providing clear and compelling descriptions?

3) Are the initial conflicts or questions introduced early and do they create a sense of curiosity and investment in the storyline?

4) Does the author establish a unique voice or style in the opening chapter that distinguishes the work from other in the same genre?

SEVEN - Emotional Continuity - 10 pts

1) How consistently does the author develop the characters' emotional arcs throughout the story. Making sure their reactions and growth feel authentic and cohesive.

2) Does the author a maintain consistent emotional tone throughout the narrative?

3) Does the story effectively transition between different emotional states, avoiding jarring shifts that could disrupt the reader's engagement?

4) How well do the relationships between characters evolve emotionally, maintaining continuity in their interactions and emotional connections.?

EIGHT - Cover and Blurb - 5 points each 

1) Does the Cover represent the theme of the book adequately?

2) Is the art pleasing to the eye?

3) Is the Blurb concise and interesting, teasing hidden secrets?

4) Does Blurb make you want to read the book?

At the end of Round 2 the books are ranked by score and the bottom 3 scores are eliminated.

For categories that do not have the required 12 entries we will still judge - the elimination amounts will be modified to account for fewer entries.  

Round 3

The remaining nominations move to the final round and the process begins again using the same criteria for round 2. 

At the end of scoring - those nominations in Round 3 have their round 2 and round 3 scores totaled and then averaged.  

The top three average scores from round 2 and 3 will be announced as the winners.

All judging will take place outside of Wattpad and the scores for the winners and reviews will be published.  Updates will be given as books move through the rounds.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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