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Hey, ya mind if I tell the story this time? 

What the-?! 

Yeah that's right. Getting Deadpool powers also means I can break the fourth wall, bitch. 

No. I am the only one who has the permission to tell these stories. 

Unless you wanna take a deep breath through your fuckin forehead, I suggest you reconsider. (Hey! That's from the movie!... that is not currently out yet). 

*Sigh* Fine. Just this one time, you can tell the story. 


Izuku's POV:

In case some of you idiots couldn't tell I was the one talking in the bold up there. 

Anyways let's get on with the best story in this fanfic. 

I just wanna start out by saying that All Might is a fucking dickwad. First he saves me from a giant fucking booger penis, and like the savage I was I grabbed onto his leg and flew through the sky like a unicorn. 

Then he drops me off on a roof and with my cute little puppy dog eyes and messy green hair, I ask him if I can be a hero without a quirk... to which this cocksucker tells me "no" and to go fuck myself. 

He didn't actually say that, but it sure as hell felt like it!

But what he did say was to "DrEAm rEaListICAlly" and then fucked off and left me on that dumbass building, alone. 

Then I saved Kacchan from the same booger penis monster and the pro heroes fat arms and Woods got wood scolded me for it, while at the same time praising the Pomeranian Prick for his "FlAsHy QUirK". 

I walked back through the crowd and decided to go home... but then Bakubitch decides to tell me to go fuck myself for the millionth time that week. I continued to walk my sorry ass home but then a very shady looking man seemingly comes out of nowhere. 

"That was some pretty heroic stuff you did back there. I have an offer for you young man." He said. 

And as you all know, you can totally trust a shady man walking out of an alleyway. "What offer?" I said back to him. "Well you see, we want to give you something that will make you MORE than just... this." He said. 

"Go on." I said. "It's an experiment our undercover pharmaceutical company has been working on for months now. We call it: Project Mutant!" He said with stars in his eyes, though I thought the name was really shitty. 

"It will allow you to become a person that's stronger than most heroes you see today. What do you say kid?" He said. I agreed, thinking I had nothing left to lose. 

He eventually drove me to a super cliche secret underground lab, and put in some weird testing tube. Soon I felt many needles be injected into my body, with a bunch of doctors taking notes. Soon I passed out for many hours. 

I woke up with the light above me blinding me, and with the doctor standing next to me. "So, um... how did it go?" I asked. The doctor hesitated for a moment and spoke. 

"Well... the experiment was a success... mostly." He said. "There were some unknown side affects that were caused by the serum." He explained. "What? Quit keeping me in suspense!" I demanded. "Just see for yourself." He said, handing me a mirror. 

When I saw my reflection I was shocked beyond fucking belief. I looked like an avocado. 

"HOLY SHIT! WHAT'D YOU DO TO ME?" I screamed. "Calm down Mr. Midoriya. You do have your powers, but now you look like... this." He said. 

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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