21 || light the candle

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k- cigarettes after sex

  k- cigarettes after sex

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Time wouldn't fly. I couldn't tell if it was day or night, if minutes or days had slipped out.

Hunger gnawed at my stomach, and thirst parched my throat. My wrists, chafed and bruised from the tight handcuffs, throbbed with each futile attempt to free myself. Fatigued weighed my eyelids, but fear kept me awake, each creak of the building sending jolts of panic through me.

Then came the moment I dreaded the most. The door creaked open, and the heavy footsteps of my captor echoed in the small room.

He moved with a casual menace, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

Without a word, he approached me, and I felt the cold steel of a knife as he sliced through the tape covering my mouth.

The adhesive ripped away, tearing at my skin and leaving a burning sensation in its wake. I winced, unable to suppress a small cry of pain, which only seemed to amuse him.

"That's more like it," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. I kept my head down, my hair falling forward to shield my face. His irritation was palpable.

He wanted to see the fear in my eyes, to relish in his dominance. When I didn't comply, his hand shot out, delivering a stinging slap across my cheek. The force of the blow turned my head, a sharp pain spreading through my jaw. Tears welled up, but I refused to let them fall. Instead, I whimpered softly, my resolve to avoid giving him the satisfaction of my tears only strengthening.

"Look at me," he demanded, but I remained defiant, hmygaze fixed on the floor. Another slap followed, harder this time, and my whimper turned into a barely audible sob.

He grabbed my chin roughly, forcing me to meet his gaze. His eyes were cold, devoid of any humanity. "Your daddy finally paid up," he spat. "You're free to go."

With a swift movement, he unlocked the handcuffs, my wrists falling limply to my sides, too weak to offer any resistance. He yanked me up from the chair, my legs buckling beneath me.

I stumbled, but his grip was ironclad, dragging me toward the door. Each step was an agonizing effort, my body battered and weak from days of confinement and neglect.

As we exited the room, the sudden influx of light was blinding. I squinted, disoriented, the reality of my release sinking in slowly. The transition from the darkness of captivity to the uncertain brightness of freedom was jarring.

My kidnapper's laughter echoed in my ears, a haunting reminder of the power he held over me, even now.

Thrown out onto the street, I collapsed onto the rough pavement, the sensation of freedom mingling with the left over terror. The door slammed shut behind me, severing the link to her nightmare. Or did it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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